
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    I can help! I am an emotional eater too... to be honest, I am pretty sure I have Binge Eating Disorder. Its BAD, lol.

    My BED though is heavily linked into my emotions. I eat because I am stressed, I eat because I am upset, I eat because I am happy, or bored, and so on.

    What kind of triggers do you have?
  • oreomixx
    oreomixx Posts: 31 Member
    sitting in the house nothing to do...when im upset or mad.....i even sit there and cry of how big ive became and then go straight to the kitchen and dont understand how to change it just like right now im thinking about ice cream good thing its weigh watchers
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member

    I think about how huge I got, and how i need to learn to control myself, and while I am doing so I am stuffing my face, even though I dont want to.

    Stick with using this calorie tracker. What I did personally, is I used it for a few weeks without trying to control myself, seeing things written out in the red was a huge motivator. Slowly work your way into keeping in your goals. And if you exercise, you may actually find it difficult to actually reach that calorie goal.
  • I'm sure what I'm about to stress is nothing new to you. I have a binge eating disorder as well. I will damn eat everything in the house around exams time or after a breakup. So what is better is if you turn that upset energy into something productive. Go to the gym, take a walk, dance around the room to your favorite music. And also its good if you enlist an understanding friend who you can call and who can talk you out of binge eating. The last suggest probably works the best for me because it hold me accountable. Otherwise I'd just keep eating and eating.
  • pirateDeb
    pirateDeb Posts: 26 Member
    She is right, you know what the issue is, so turn it around for yourself.

    Its gotten to the point with me where I have replaced MOST of the binging habits with exercise. I still slip (that time of the month is TERRIBLE because of mood swings), but for the most part I can channel it where it needs to go.

    It is so important to take things one day at a time. If you slip up one moment, just work harder the next! Nothing will happen over night, and it is not easy, but it can be done if you really want things to change :)
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    Thank you for sending me a friend request. =)

    I also binge eat. I find my triggers are when bored, upset, stressed. The only I can't eat is I am really really upset about something and worried. It's like my throat closes up and I just can't swallow it down.

    I try to distract myself instead of pigging out, or get a glass of water and sip on that and see if the feeling goes away.

    And some days I just don't give a **** and I get what I am craving and I eat it with no remorse. Funny now though is I have some of it, but I can't pig out like I used to. I eat it slowly so I can enjoy my pig out session, but after so much I feel satisfied.
  • danapearly
    danapearly Posts: 17 Member
    I am such an emotional eater!!! I hope I don't become an emotional drinker!!! This week has been really really bad and the coming week isn't going to be any better!! HOWEVER, I did not consume the bag of reece's that I was thinking of.

    Rough week!!! :frown: