Three things that made you happy today



  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    1. Took a phone call from my son, telling me that his cigarettes went up $1.51 overnight, and he would be quitting as of today.

    2. Sat in the warm sunshine for 10 minutes on break.

    3. Today is the last of 7- 12hr days and then I have 4 days off!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    1. Managed to wake up early.. without an alarm clock OR someone yelling my name
    2. Actually WORKED OUT at home since I wasn't able to make my daily gym debut
    3. Had driving lessons (yeah I'm a late bloomer) and didn't die or cause a pileup! GO ME!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Had a really good workout.
    Had a really easy day at work.
    Son finally scored a job.
  • kbusse
    kbusse Posts: 12
    1. Got a great hair cut!
    2. My fingernail polish is holding up un-chipped
    3. I have a volleyball game tonight w/ a team I love!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    1) enjoyed sleeping in
    2) my husband is making soup
    3) watched a nerdy documentary
  • Jeeenjohnson19
    Jeeenjohnson19 Posts: 54 Member
    1) Being able to phone my boyfriend on his lunch break
    2) Seeing my dad
    3) The amazingly warm feeling of a hot chocolate after a long day out in the cold!
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    1. Fit into a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear for months.
    2. Going to DC with my fiance for 3 days.
    3. Went outside in a T-shirt because it's so warm and sunny outside! :bigsmile:
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    1. I am alive and well
    2. Had a good lunch
    3. Got to work a half day today :happy:
  • katrin25
    1)my daughter looked at me this morning she hugged me and told me that she loves me.
    2)then my boyfriend texted me just to say he loved me.
    3)i'm back on track. yay!
  • Jeana9
    Jeana9 Posts: 1
    1. I ate what I wanted today.
    2. I got my taxes done. :)
    3. I get to spend the evening with my girls. (I usually work nights)
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    1. I work late today, so I was able to clean my room and make breakfast
    2. A good friend told me she was going to come visit me next week
    3. I lent a favorite book to my co-worker in the hopes she would become hooked and she read the first chapter over lunch and loves it!
  • monkey_chakra
    1) It was warm and sunny here today in Toronto after a good solid month of crummy grey weather.
    2) I am finally over the flu I've had for over a week, which means...
    3) ...I could get back to the gym today! Did a shorter stint than I normally do on the elliptical to ease my way back in, and feel good about it.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    1. I got my 30 Day Shred DVD today
    2. My neighbor is taking me out for sushi tonight
    3. The weather cleared up
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    1) I found someone to help me set my heart rate monitor (finally!!!)
    2) I put on an outfit today that was a little snug a month ago.. but today looks great!
    3) I'm wearing a new pretty lingerie set.. even if nobody sees it.. it makes me happy knowing I match!
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    4. Someone called me Gorgeous.
  • bonniejc4
    bonniejc4 Posts: 12 Member
    Sitting next to nice coworkers.
    MFP--I love it!!
    My wonderful boyfriend.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    1. The results of the pure coconut oil over night treatment I did for my hair last night made for a great hair day today! AND, I think I've finally found a cure for my dry/damaged hair!
    2. I deleted my facebook account and feel freer than a bird! Ready to make my own decisions based on my own happiness rather than based on what everyone else is doing (on facebook)!
    3. I finished an over-due assignment I'd been procrastinating on at work that took me no more than 40 minutes this morning when I thought it was gonna take me hours!
  • fabulousby45
    Fit into size jeans 2 sizes smaller than when I started!

    Someone said I was beautiful and sexy!

    Thankful for friends and support!!
  • Peridotite
    1) My boyfriend called me at lunch to chat.
    2) We got to leave work early today because of a snow storm.
    3) Because of said storm I had to power shovel the driveway to get the car in (thus completing my workout for the day) and then I played in the snow like I was a 6 year old and it was freaking awesome :blushing:
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Initial post:

    Simple rules:
    1) It has to be something that made YOU happy, not someone else.

    2) It can't be "backhanded" happy, such as you didn't get hit by a bus. Stick to reality. Not getting attacked by zombies doesn't count, either.

    I started this with my daughter because she would leave me notes when i would tuck her into bed at night. They started out as simple notes, but quickly turned into all the things that made her mad. So, I suggested we start a book, and we would have to write 3 things that made us happy that day. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes, I stare at the page and I'm blank.

    Some daughter was happy I scratched her back. I was happy because my kickboxing class was really fun. LOL...on the weekends, my happy is being able to sleep in.

    Just wondering if anyone else can think of 3 things that made tham happy today. Try it everyday. It'll will change your outlook on a lot of things!

    Today, I was happy that 1) I finally got to make homemade sausage and it was REALLY good :-) 2). I got in a really good workout at home! (I don't normally workout at home) 3). I put on my favorite pair of jeans, out of the dryer, and they seemed to not be quite as tight