After dinner still under calorie goal...



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Fruit? Celery? Protein shake?

    Bah! Come to the Dark Side....we have cookies! :laugh:

    Not me. I spent yesterday's left over calories on a bedtime snack of sausage gravy and biscuits.
  • eating close to bed is only a problem if you have GERD or indigestion! I do not make up exercise caps-ever! The point of exercise is to burn extra calories (if you are trying to lose)!!! If you have not eaten your regular. Allure allotment you should definitely make that up or your metabolism will slow and you will have to work that much harder.
    try to have something with protein/carb mis-you'll sleep better!
  • asfrazier
    asfrazier Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having the same issue! I really don't like to have so many calories left to eat in the evening. But I have found when I'm under my calorie intake and try to make it up in the evening, knowing I'm really not hungry and eat, it makes me feel sick!! I'm still trying create an everyday menu for myself. I figured that would help out alot.
  • Eating a snack before bed is actually a good health habit, it helps to keep your blood sugar steady throughout the night - leading to a healthier (aka faster) metabolism. I'm a nurse and nutrition junkie. While it's probably not best to eat crap, I do have a nighttime sweet tooth and if I still have calories left over, I will allow myself some chocolate, or a cookie.

    If you're not hungry though, and eating at least 1200 calories a day, then perhaps don't eat. I'm with another poster though, fruit or peanut butter is a great idea and yummy.

  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I had about the same tonight. I made a killer cherry angel food cake bar (88 calories/bar) and had one of those, I'll have my customary glass of wine (about 120 calories) and tonight for a special treat I'm having skinny cow strawberry cheesecake ice cream (150 calories). Otherwise I would normally have 100 calorie pack of popcorn or some beet/sweet potato chips. I try to at least net over 1200 calories!!