over calories



  • I couldn't help but noticed it. you said in your profile that you gained 10-15 pounds in last 3 or 4 years. According to your ticker, your goal is to lose 10 pounds and you lost 5 pounds so far. I read over and over that those people who is trying to lose few pounds have harder time losing it. Were you hoping for quick 10 pounds loss?

    Don't get me wrong, but I don't want to hurt your feeling. I wonder, based on your profile
    "i got a big obsession with it in the past year and i overeat or binge after dinner. it makes me upset and feel i'm out of control. i need to break this bad habit and feel more in control of my life and feel happier."
    Are you seeking professional help? Maybe for depression or something -- they are great in helping people with eating binge.

    Also, you aren't far from me. I live just south of you, near Seattle. Are you taking Vitamin D? If not,, start taking it and I promise you that you will feel better in few weeks! Many times, deficiency brings on mood swings, including depression, hence the over eating. It was said about 80% of all people in northern states have that deficiency and you are just above us.

    If you already lost 5 pounds, you are on right track.