I no longer want to be skinny...

When I started this journey, only a month ago, my goal was to be skinny - I hated exercise, didn't care so much as being healthy, as I did about looking better. I'm very happy to say that has changed. I committed myself to the 30 Day Shred this month, and I've been diligently doing it every day. I've actually started to REALLY love working out, and I'm even going to start running in the spring - ME <--- Running?! I was the girl who "had the wrong body type" for running...I walked the mile in PE class because I "wasn't built to run"....HA!

It is incredible how much a person can change in only a month! I no longer want to be skinny - I want to be FIT! I want to have a toned and STRONG body! If I end up looking like an Amazon (though a very short Amazon at only 5'1"), I honestly won't even care! It is so weird, but my body craves movement now - I'm more "addicted" to exercise now than I ever was to food. I already feel so much better compared to when when I started, and I'm totally loving it. I think I've officially started the rest of my life! :happy:


  • gingerbabyy
    gingerbabyy Posts: 25 Member
    That is AWESOME! So glad to hear that you are in such a good place mentally. I totally relate to feeling addicted to movement now, it's crazy how once you build up that little bit of momentum how far you can really go! Keep up the great work!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I agree with gingerbabyy, that's AWESOME!!!

    I really do want to lose weight, but I know with my body chemistry I will never be "skinny." I remember experiencing a mental breakthrough years ago when I looked at my kickboxing instructor and thought, "If I had to choose (for the rest of my life) to be my size but keep my shape or be HER size but have to have HER shape, I'll take ME, as is, hands down.
  • gonzang
    gonzang Posts: 38 Member
    So cool! I agree with you. Fitness means so much more to me now than I ever thought possible. I guess that's one of the many benefits of exercise--wanting more!
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I'm also 5'1" and love to run.
    And let me tell you the stride of a short leg is smaller than a tall person! Lol Don't compare yourself to others... Find what feels comfortable and just run. As far as skinny..... I have no use for it. Lol. I feel better, I'm doing the stuff I love again... And lost 16 inches from November That's a number that gets me excited.... Not my weight.

    You are doing awesome and If you need a fello shorties support when you start running, let me know.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    After the first 10 lbs or maybe even 5 it just felt good. Of course I wanted to lose more, but it just felt good being healthy. I wish more out there could understand that as well. I have some family members that I wish could see that too. MFP is AWESOME!
  • SouthernCurves
    SouthernCurves Posts: 12 Member
    Love it and GOOD for you! I also want to be fit and toned BUT with breast, hips, thighs, and a VERY nice butt! Some people may feel differently but I'm a female and being an hour glass shape with a woman's curves on a woman's body is important to me! I'll prefer that to being a STICK any day.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I totally agree! To me, "skinny" is not a good look--think supermodels before the air-brushing, with stick-thin arms and ribs poking out and no ab definition. I would be offended if somebody said I was skinny, because I would think I looked sick instead of fit.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    This week I went to a Body Pump class. In front of my was a girl that was tall and skinny....I dream of having her body but I am short so it's no go LOL. During the class I saw that she was unable to do the class while I was doing ok with more weight on my bar. If I have to choose, I want to be strong and fit rather then just skinny.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Whenever someone says to me, "Ooh! You're getting so skinny!" I immediate correct them that I'm getting healthier and stronger. I don't want to be skinny.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    It's an amazing feeling when you break out of the "lose weight" and into the "get fit" camp. All of a sudden you find determination that you just know you never had before, no matter how many times you've been on the weight loss roller coaster. You just know that this time is different. It just makes you crave more.

    I too HATED running... but my body craves more and faster movement since I started allowing it to move faster than the speed of a leisurely walk! I have not yet taken up running as a "thing" but I run (in my house) and I'm pretty sure I'm going to run this spring during my lunch hour (thank goodness for showers at the office).

    Welcome to the fitness path!
  • mimzerz
    mimzerz Posts: 8 Member
    That's the spirit that will take you to the fittest, happiest you!! Very inspiring!