Is there just no way around it? Am I going to gain a lot of

So recently I posted asking why I stopped losing weight. I'm 5'9, a guy, and weigh 145-150. I know that my BMI is around 22 which I know is healthy/normal, but I'm still a little soft around the edges. So I decided to up the cardio and hit the weights. Here's the kicker. I'm only eating 1200-1300 calories a day. And by the looks of it I'm in starvation mode. It's been a solid 2 months that I've been eating this way. So I ask you, if I up my calories to 1800 a day and stick with the cardio (half hour on elliptical before breakfast, I bike back and forth to work which is about 20 minutes away, and workout my back, chest, biceps, and abs every other day. Ab ripper X, so its a good ab workout. Is the weight just going to come flying back on? I heard to ease your way back by adding 100 calories a week, but then heard that doesn't matter because your body doesn't know you're going to be adding again next week so its just going to grab every morsel and hold onto it. So is it better to just up the calories by 500? I'd be adding 2 grain filled wraps at 100 calories a pop, some ketchup for my eggs and instead of using Pam non stick I'd start adding a TSP of olive oil when I use a saute pan for something. I was stupid and wanted to lose weight fast. I should have stuck with a normal diet plan, but C'est la vie... I wanna start over again, get on a healthy diet plan and hit those weights to tone up. So in a nutshell.. With all the cardio and weight training and upping my calories by 500 do you think I'm gonna see a drastic weight gain? Any feedback would be oh so much appreciated. I start adding them up Sunday. Thanks! Bryan