"Banking" exercise calories



  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    I try to stick to a daily total, but only cos I'm no good at sums! Before I came here I used a paid-for site, which allowed you to spread your cals over the week. I think this a great way of working it - apart from anything else, if you binge one day, rather than putting it behind you and starting the next day with a clean slate, you have time to work it off.
  • ashlielinn
    I really wouldn't worry about you. Going over one day isn't going to kill you. Just don't make a habit out of it!

    I do both. I try to not go over any day, but I DEFINITELY don't let myself go over my weekly total. At the end of the day 3,500 cals = a pound. At the end of the week, if you had a deficit of 3,500 cals, you should lose one pound.

    Seems to make sense, but everyone's different! :)
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I personally look at my week, rather than a particular day. I may eat 2500 calories on a night out with the girls, but only have a net of 1100 three other days that week. That seems to be working for me, but everyone is going to be different and your body might not repond well to this....only way to know is to try it!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    First, I believe in eating back exercise calories.

    My question... say I exercise and burn 600 calories today. I eat good clean food but stay at my baseline calorie intake (~1300) TODAY. But tomorrow I cant' workout but have a dinner party tomorrow night. Could I eat my extra 600 calories tomorrow (so 1300 base + 600 exercise calories from the previous day)?

    I mean by body doesn't know that the stroke of midnight my calories start over for the day.

    Am I thinking this through correctly?
    It's not like saving money - you don't get to spend it later.
    It's best to keep it a daily thing though striving for this ideal is surely something I have fallen short of from time to time - as perfect as I am - snif snif - :smokin:

    So, ideally, no that's not perfect, but it's also not the end of your fitness program.
    Advice? You shouldn't do it.

    And have fun when you do it....:bigsmile: