Anyone else disappointed when they reached their goal weight



  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I didn't have a specific goal weight, but I stopped at 131 (I'm 5'5") because I had become "skinny fat," and I hated it. Sure, I was lots thinner, but I was flabby too, and there were areas I wanted to reduce, but didn't want to lose any more weight. So now I'm struggling to increase the cals. and lift heavy, so I can get some muscle. Hope that this will help with the flab, too.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Enjoy that fact that you reached your goal. I can't tell you whether I am disappointed or not because I have never reached mine. You should be very proud of yourself. Not everyone can do what you did so don't think so little of what you achieved. I am proud of you!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    There are days I feel "fat", but then I remind myself how far i've come and how thrilled the old me would have been to be at this weight. I think the new me is thrilled also (sometimes) :-)
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Well, you are a beautiful girl in my opinion, and I'm sure you are being really harsh with yourself!!! We are our worse critics!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I passed my goal weight and goal size a while ago and, although I would have been content (and healthy) at that original goal, I continue to work towards getting stronger and more fit. As that happens, my measurements go down a bit, but I really don't care what the number on the scale says at this point as long as I am taking care of myself and pushing myself to improve and/or maintain my overall health and strength.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    Goals change , don't be disappointed in what you have accomplished because YOU had the determination to make it happen ! Now change your focus to the things about your body that you don't like and use that willpower you already have demonstrated to set and reach new goals . You are now the master of your body , make it happen .
  • charlieduc
    You probably do not need to lose anymore...just tone.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    Perhaps weight loss was perceived as some magic solution to life's problems. If we see all answers to our problems as "if only I could lose weight" then we are going to be disappointed. It should not be so much about body image but about health and fitness. If we can be active, eat healthy, minimal health problems, and enjoy life, then we will be pleasantly thrilled with what weight loss will contribute to that. BUt, if we continue to see what is wrong with us - then perhaps the issue isn't really weight loss so much as the mental baggage that put us there in the first place? Sure, did I get saggy parts (age 57) with my 80 pound weight loss? heck yeah! I am still utterly thrilled with being able to keep up with my 5 grandsons, being able to run in races, and no longer being short of breath or unable to do stuff because I'm simply too fat and out of shape. That's what matters to me. It isn't going to make me prettier. I"m already as gorgeous as I"m going to get! <<<grin>>>
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Great question. I, too, have reached goal weight. However, I have been one of those "skinny fat" people all my life. I ate badly, was very active, and still had a heart attack two years ago. My goal now FITNESS and HEALTH. I will not to be another statistic with a heart attack in another few years. I now have two grandchildren to live for. You are a beautiful girl, and someone mentioned earlier that this world's idea of beauty is just wrong (paraphrased). The advice and support here is AWESOME. I am re-shaping my body after getting down to my goal weight with weight resistance and cardio to become heart healthy. Because you are still young, you are doing your body a great favor keeping the excess fat off. You can mold your body even more...but your health and original weight loss is to commended!! Take care. Debbie
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Goals change , don't be disappointed in what you have accomplished because YOU had the determination to make it happen ! Now change your focus to the things about your body that you don't like and use that willpower you already have demonstrated to set and reach new goals . You are now the master of your body , make it happen .

    Good advice!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thanks for your replies, glad anyone even looked at my post!

    My job has been a major factor in helping me lose weight as it involves lots of heavy lifting and power walking all day, which I do believe has been a driving force in helping me lose weight.

    I think perhaps looking at what I eat may help me look better, and perhaps some kind of lifting or 30DS type thing. However, I've tried 30DS for a few days before and although for a lot of people, i can appreciate they are amazing at getting results, I need to be able to function well at work, therefore can't be sore the next day or i wont physically be able to work my job properly.

    I'm happy at what the scales say now, still suprised at the number because what I see in the mirror doesn't match up to what i expected, just trying to figure out how to change that!

    Hopefully just continuing to work and eat well, my body could possibly improve, particularly if I ate more and better perhaps? I should probably start educating myself on better eating now... :S

    Real strength training will actually make your job much easier. Muscle soreness after exercise doesn't impact actual performance, in fact, if you do a lot of heavy living at work, that lifting will actually make the soreness go away. Plus muscle soreness is temporary, the more you exercise and especially if you have a physical job, the less sore you will feel.

    And if you feel sore after every workout, you're doing it wrong.
  • DrNicoleRed
    DrNicoleRed Posts: 52 Member
    Check out this site:

    It's what has helped me set goals for myself based on what I want to look like. Some of the heights/weights don't have a lot of pictures, but in most cases you still get to see a few different body types. It can also be helpful if the issue isn't so much that you don't have the body you expected, but rather you aren't seeing yourself accurately.

    Great website! Thanks for the tip…nice to get a reality check.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    1) There may be self confidence issues to be dealt with
    2) You may be "Skinny Fat", where you are in the correct range for weight, but still out of shape.
    You can overcome this by strength training, this will continue to reduce body fat, increase muscle and change the shape of your body while not reducing your overall weight. You could go up or down, but I wouldn't expect much, especially if you are eating enough calories to sustain the new workouts.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So, set new goals - higher goals!
    Make these about fat loss and weight maintenance.
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I have reached my goal weight and fully dressed i look pretty hot (so I'm told). I am much older than you, so my skin has also lost it's elasticity. i have researched this and found out that it can take 1-2 years for your skin to catch up. (isn't that depressing). I think you should just work with weights and things will get better for you. good luck to you. you are doing great.
    One more thing..I think that no matter how much weight we loose or what size clothes we wear we are never truly happy with ourselves.
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5' 3/4"...and my goal is 135! I bet you look AMAZING at 115!!! We just have to learn to live with the body types we have. I have big muscles with wide hips and large legs / butt. I can't change that, so I've learned to love my curves. Also..when I was weight training daily in 2006, I weighed 155 and LOVED my naked body. I was totally toned and not jiggly, although I was 155.

    Fast forward to fall 2011. I got down to 141 (15 lbs less than 5 years ago) and hated my naked body because I was flabby. I was moderately exercising and watching what I I lost weight and wore size 8's for thefirst time in my life..but I was still flabby. Now I'm concentrating on eating healthier / cleaner and builing muscle WHILE cutting weight.

    The scale is NOT our friend. Body fat measurements and the tape measure will help you more.
    MAINLY-many of us women have a SEVERELY warped perception of ourselves in our head anyway! I weight 155-160 from 8th grade on (I'm 35 now) most of my friends or old schoolmatesI run in to tell me constantly how amazing I look. I know I'm thinner than I've EVER been in my adult life...but I still see 160 lb HUGE THIGHS in the mirror. I don't see my size 8/10 thighs. I'm trying to work on that by strenght training and getting toned again.

  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Perhaps weight loss was perceived as some magic solution to life's problems. If we see all answers to our problems as "if only I could lose weight" then we are going to be disappointed. It should not be so much about body image but about health and fitness. If we can be active, eat healthy, minimal health problems, and enjoy life, then we will be pleasantly thrilled with what weight loss will contribute to that. BUt, if we continue to see what is wrong with us - then perhaps the issue isn't really weight loss so much as the mental baggage that put us there in the first place? Sure, did I get saggy parts (age 57) with my 80 pound weight loss? heck yeah! I am still utterly thrilled with being able to keep up with my 5 grandsons, being able to run in races, and no longer being short of breath or unable to do stuff because I'm simply too fat and out of shape. That's what matters to me. It isn't going to make me prettier. I"m already as gorgeous as I"m going to get! <<<grin>>>

    GREAT attitude and GREAT thoughts Melissa, thank you for sharing :)
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I agree with most people on here. I'm not sure you have to lose anymore weight, I think maybe what your unhappy with is your "shape" and the only way to change that is with weights and fitness!! Give the scale a break and try to focus on strengthing and perhaps building a little muscular curve.....I have a feeling you'll LOVE the results!!!! And congrats on reaching your goal weight....if you can do can commit to some fitness! =-)

    ^^^This. Take some time to celebrate your success. You earned it! But it is also good to recognize that you have arrived at your destination. I have a friend, about whom I am concerned, who has lost over 50 lbs, now weighs about 105 and has less than 10% body fat. She hardly eats, and exercise has become an obsession for her. I don't think that is healthy, but I don't know how to help her. Don't let that happen to you.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Lift weights in a gym with a pre-written beginners program and use progressive resistance (add weight over time so that you're lifting heavier loads). Consume sufficient protein. Come back in 4 to 6 months.


    I would say this too, and my recommendations would be to get the book New Rules of Lifting for Woman if you can get to a gym or if you want to do it at home with less equipment, try ChaLEAN Extreme.
  • I love your profile quote. It really hit the nail on the head. I have stopped having parties that revolve around food and instead about activity.