Just starting the journey

I'm 5'11". 248ish woman. I really don't have a good history with working out, but I want to change that. I have 3 kids that I want to set a good example for! I also want to be around to spoil grandbabies some day.

I've bought some Jillian Michaels DVDs, but I'm wondering where to start!?!

I've bought the 30DS, because that seems very popular and the results seem fabulous. My question is, should I start with something else, for beginners before diving into the Shred?

Thanks to everyone!


  • MissMouse85
    MissMouse85 Posts: 38 Member
    First of all, welcome to MFP! If you're serious about making changes, I really believe that this website it a great tool for that.

    Just to share my own experience-- I struggled with 30DS because I didn't like Jillian's attitude in the DVD. I'm much more motivated by encouragement and empathy, and I just kind of felt like she was yelling at me the whole time. :laugh: Also, 30DS doesn't have any beginner modifications, so if you think you'll need that you might look into some other DVDs first and work your way up.

    But if you like that Drill Sergeant attitude and having your butt handed to you it might be the perfect workout! The biggest reason I switched was because I didn't want to do it, and of course a workout you don't want to do isn't gonna get you up and moving. Pick something you like, stick with it, and you will see results!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    Thanks for the reply! I've got a few others, I could start with, I just thought that with so many people starting the Shred at the same time, that might be extra incentive.

    I'll give it a try, if it's not for me, I won't know unless I try. I just didn't want to start something that the skill level may be out of my range.

    Thanks again!!