scoliosis and a protruding abdomen

this may a medical question but....
I am 5'4" and weigh 108 - so I'm not over weight...but I do have a protruding stomach. I have scoliosis with a 60% curvature of the spine. does anyone know if this could be causing the protrusion?

I eat a fairly low carb diet - to reduce tummy fat. am a P90X'er - so I am doing some pretty hard core ab exercises.

How can a person weigh 108 and still have this protruding tummy????
any help will be appreciated!


  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    I think lordosis can cause your tummy to protrude no matter how thin a person is, and it can sometimes be present alongside scoliosis. But I'm no expert, so best get checked out by your doctor xx