What is the value of a great body?

This is a column I wrote about the tremendous importance of SELF Value.

Source - www.passionforfitness.info/value.html

To begin with your self esteem will increase drastically. When you transform your body from where you are now to the body you have always wanted your self esteem will go through the roof. You will probably want to re acquaint yourself in the mirror. The feeling you get when you look in the mirror, loving the way you look, is powerful. It is nearly impossible to have low self esteem when you re acquaint yourself with your newly transformed body and self image. If I were to place monetary value on the worth of high self esteem then high self esteem = $1,000,000.

High self esteem leads to high self confidence. If I were to place monetary value on high self confidence then high self confidence = $5,000,000.

Opportunities come knocking! There is a saying, "Success is something you attract by the person you become". When you're in great physical and mental shape, when you have high self esteem and you have high self confidence you begin to attract opportunities that other less confident people just don't get. This kind of confidence emotes from you and resonates with anyone you come into contact with. Have you ever tried to go out looking for opportunities? It's like chasing butterflies you come so close but you just can't quite catch them. If I were to place monetary value on opportunities knocking on your door vs. trying to look for those opportunities without developing yourself first then opportunity knocking on your door = $10,000,000.

Who you have become, your self development, is a result of learning and doing. You are creating a legacy. It is a legacy because what you do, both positive and negative, will affect other people you come in contact with. If you become a self employed business owner (within my team or elsewhere) then in monetary value this legacy you create could be worth $15,000,000 at a minimum because you have the tenacity to pursue your dreams and pass down high self esteem and high self confidence to others you mentor.

If I were to add up the monetary value of having a great body, high self esteem, high self confidence and the tenacity to pursue your dreams then your total monetary net worth = $31,000,000+



  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    This is a column I wrote about the tremendous importance of SELF Value.

    Source - www.passionforfitness.info/value.html

    To begin with your self esteem will increase drastically. When you transform your body from where you are now to the body you have always wanted your self esteem will go through the roof. You will probably want to re acquaint yourself in the mirror. The feeling you get when you look in the mirror, loving the way you look, is powerful. It is nearly impossible to have low self esteem when you re acquaint yourself with your newly transformed body and self image. If I were to place monetary value on the worth of high self esteem then high self esteem = $1,000,000.

    High self esteem leads to high self confidence. If I were to place monetary value on high self confidence then high self confidence = $5,000,000.

    Opportunities come knocking! There is a saying, "Success is something you attract by the person you become". When you're in great physical and mental shape, when you have high self esteem and you have high self confidence you begin to attract opportunities that other less confident people just don't get. This kind of confidence emotes from you and resonates with anyone you come into contact with. Have you ever tried to go out looking for opportunities? It's like chasing butterflies you come so close but you just can't quite catch them. If I were to place monetary value on opportunities knocking on your door vs. trying to look for those opportunities without developing yourself first then opportunity knocking on your door = $10,000,000.

    Who you have become, your self development, is a result of learning and doing. You are creating a legacy. It is a legacy because what you do, both positive and negative, will affect other people you come in contact with. If you become a self employed business owner (within my team or elsewhere) then in monetary value this legacy you create could be worth $15,000,000 at a minimum because you have the tenacity to pursue your dreams and pass down high self esteem and high self confidence to others you mentor.

    If I were to add up the monetary value of having a great body, high self esteem, high self confidence and the tenacity to pursue your dreams then your total monetary net worth = $31,000,000+

  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    76 views, so far, and no replies... Surely someone has a comment to make :smile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    where ya been tom?
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    Hi Hotmom! I have been around :) How have you been?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hi Hotmom! I have been around :) How have you been?

    just had my second shoulder surgery and am lying here in a lot of pain and missing w/o talking about going to mexico next march with my bff.:smokin:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i liked this line especially,

    There is a saying, "Success is something you attract by the person you become".

    i'm always adding to my list of motivational quotes, so thanks for sharing the article. :happy:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    You're welcome stacey :wink:

    hotmom you lost me! Does mean you are or are not going to mexico next month with your bff?
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    This post is primarily the reason that I got back into the gym. I may not have ever been overweight in my life but I gained some weight and felt horrible about myself. Now, even though I don't necessarily look any different, I feel different-I am more confident and I feel better about myself every day that I get to the gym. Thanks for the motivating post!!! :drinker:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    You're welcome stacey :wink:

    hotmom you lost me! Does mean you are or are not going to mexico next month with your bff?

    :laugh: no, not this mar., mar 2010! gotta make sure the arm is all healed up for dancing!:wink: i'll have to rehabilitate and get the body toned up:bigsmile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    This is all so true!! This is why I have finally committed to get my best body possible! I know the self-esteem I gain will spill over into the rest of my life!

    Thank you!

  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    Damn right April! I use these philosophies in my fitness and my business building.