I never thought I'd see the say...what about you??



  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    While working I will sit and drink 24 oz at least every two hours. I add the crystal lite flavoring to it though, which is probably cheating. But I had a small bottle of diet soda last night with dinner and realized this morning that I had only taken like 5 sips from it. The cool thing is, with water bottles a plenty in my refrigerator, the kids are sucking them down too and loving it. Health changes all the way around.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I haven't been at it for very long... but I also find myself drinking water.

    I think the one thing that I find myself doing/enjoying more is using different seasonings for food. My most recent addiction is Tone's Citrus Grill seasoning... a little of that on chicken or even green beans really brings out the flavor!

    I also crave salads... SALADS! What's up with that???