Just wanted to say hi :)

Hi everyone,
I saw a picture of myself two weeks ago and was shocked at how big I was. I am 5"1 and 170 pounds!

I have known for years that I am big... even a little fat... but oh my gosh. That picture of me was just like a slap to the face. So I decided then and there that I need to change my habits. Out with candy, cakes and crisps and in with veggies, fruit and lean meat.

I am on to a great start and the funny thing is that so far this lifestyle change isn't at all as hard as I thought it might be (we'll see if it'll be as easy the next few weeks and months), I just have to try to be a bit more active :)

I would love to have more MFP friends that could motivate me on thes journey.


  • StarIsMoving
    Sounds like you have what works already figured out, how awesome is that?!? Good luck on the journey and remember to keep that positive energy going!!!! :)
  • lellagella
    lellagella Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you :)