repeated failure at loosing weight.

I would like to hear from anyone over 45 who is finally slim after repeated failure. How did you do it? How long have you kept the weight off? What do you do if you are sick or hurt and can't exercise? I have never been sucessful at weight loss and kept it off.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Educate yourself on healthy eating. If you have a computer you have the info. you need. It all depends on how much you want it. :drinker:
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I'm 44 (but I feel older if that helps)

    I have been 200 + since I was 18 years old and in the last ten years flirting around 300 and above.

    About two years ago I just got honest and started separating myself from the body I was in.

    For me I went with the Atkins diet hard core and got up and started moving.

    At first my body complained a lot from being hungry or being tired, but once it l started giving it healthy food on a REGULAR basis, and stopped teasing it with "reward" treats it stopped being hungry all the time and I went from someone who hated to walk upstairs to someone who loves to workout.....

    You have to think of it as taking charge of a small child...... whether we like it or not we know what's best for us, good foods to run on and exercise to keep you moving.....we can stomp our feets and hold our spoons all we want....sooner or later we need to grow up and stop hiding from the worst kept secret out there.....

    eat right- move more