
i'm 188lbs and my goal is to get down to 140, so about 3 stone. Preferably more! And im 5"8 :)

Thing is, I've been going to the gym a lot, and ive cut out bread, pasta, rice, crisps, chocolate, cheese etc and am only really eating fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, and crackers. Yet not only have i lost NO weight since doing this, but ive PUT ON 2lbs!!

Anyone have any idea why??


  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Have you been cutting the calories, or just the types of foods you eat?
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    how are your clothes fitting?
  • EmmaMay93
    I've been cutting calories as well as just certain foods. I mean, I couldn't really cut much else from the above list, being a vegetarian as well.

    And my clothes are fitting just as they were before I started my diet :( Can't feel any difference.

    This is really sucking motivation from me!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm about a half inch taller than you and started out a little bit heavier. I lost 50 pounds without cutting bread, pasta, chocolate and cheese. I focused on slow weight loss (1/2 lb a week), exercise and enjoying all the food I liked in moderation. The weight came off pretty easily and without plateaus. In the beginning, I ate between 1800-2400 calories most days - you can enjoy a lot of food for that!

    Since your diary is private, I can't even begin to guess where you're going wrong. Maybe you're eating too little?
  • EmmaMay93
    I'll make my diary public, iI'd be interested to know where I'm going wrong!!
  • EmmaMay93
    Bear in mind that I only joined today, so there is only today's food and exercise so far, thanks :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Is this a normal day for you? If so, I bet your body is panicking that it's about to be starved, and is holding onto every calorie you're feeding it for dear life!

    I'll add you as a friend, so you can check out what I've been eating. I'm not saying my diet is perfect, but it's been very effective for me.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I'll make my diary public, iI'd be interested to know where I'm going wrong!!

    I just view your diary and if that is a 'normal' day then you are eating way to little.

    Remember it's not about being on a diet, it's about changing your lifestyle. Do you really want to cut out bread, pasta, cheese etc for the rest of your life? I'm sure you don't, so eat it - just in moderation.

    I've just been doing this for nearly 3 weeks now. I eat what ever I want, my diary is open too if you want to look. I just eat smaller portions and don't go back for seconds etc.

    Good luck.

    p.s. I too am 5ft 8 but I'm a lot heavier than you (215lbs).
  • EmmaMay93
    Wow, you guys are amazing! Thank you!

    You've been very helpful!
  • EmmaMay93
    Just another thought, surely if I eat more, then I'll need to exercise more? So it just makes me think, if you eat less, you therefore can exercise less.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Is this a normal day for you? If so, I bet your body is panicking that it's about to be starved, and is holding onto every calorie you're feeding it for dear life!

    I'll add you as a friend, so you can check out what I've been eating. I'm not saying my diet is perfect, but it's been very effective for me.

    This. 502 calories wouldn't sustain a fly!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Just another thought, surely if I eat more, then I'll need to exercise more? So it just makes me think, if you eat less, you therefore can exercise less.

    The numbers MFP gives you are the calories you should eat to lose weight WITHOUT exercise. If you exercise (and it looks like you do!) those calories can be eaten in addition to your base calories. You should still continue to lose!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, no. You don't need to exercise more if you eat more.

    You burn calories just by living and doing your normal every day activities. Probably around 2000.

    So to lose a pound a week you subtract 3500 calories from your weekly total, or 500 from each day, so you should eat about 1500 calories.

    If you exercise and burn 500 you are now burning 2500 a day. Subtract the same 500, you should eat 2000 calories a day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    sounds like you are not eating nearly enough. Eat all of the calories that MFP tells you to (including the calories you burned from exercise)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Some questions:
    How long have you been doign this for? It will not happen over night.
    Are you watching the calories? Ya, you might have cut out a lot from your diet but if you are still consuming too many calories it will take a long time to see results.
    Have you also measured yourself? Sometimes we lose inches before we lose pounds.
    What kind of exercises are you doing and what is the frequency?

    These are all things you need to consider. However, most of the time not losing weight does stem from not eating properly so I would focus more on the diet at the saying goes 'abs are made in the kitchen'. 70% of what we look like is from what we eat...

    Also, maybe consider going to the doctor. Sometimes we have hormonal imbalances that affect the speed at which we lose weight. Thyroid problems could be a reason too.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    as others just, you don't need to exercise more. You always need to make sure you are eating enough calories to support your body. When I look at your diary, it does not appear you are eating enough. My trainer has told me time and time again that often when people are complaining they aren't losing, it is because they aren't actually eating enough food! Make healthy choices, as you have been doing, just eat more of them. :)
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    If your food diary today is a normal day, then you definitely are not eating enough. You need to eat more, or your body thinks that it is starving.
  • EmmaMay93
    I am watching the calories I consume, and I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week for about an hour or so.
  • dmustlose
    If you are truly counting calories, what 1200? You have no choice but to lose weight. Drink lots of water and write down every bite you eat.
  • EmmaMay93
    Perhaps you are all right, maybe I am not eating enough. However, when you have cut so much from your diet, and are determind to eat healthily, when it comes to choosing between another apple, of banana, or salad etc, I'd rather choose not to eat, just because I know I will get no satisfaction from the food, just as i won't if i dont eat... so id rather not consume extra calories that i dont appreciate.. if that makes sense?