Dying from protein?



  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    This is really interesting! for a long time now I have dealt with this feeling that will come and go it feels like my brain is swelling, and I can't eat resterunt humbergers cause it makes my brain feel smoshy, I know that sounds weird but its the best way I can explain it,

    And recently I am looking at meat completly different, like it grosses me out, sometimes the thought of eating it grosses me out, you know how pregnant woman who are deffecaint in Vitamins will crave dirt cause they lack minerals, well I think I am getting grossed out by meat as a way my body is telling me its not good for me,

    ALSO I have been having heart problems lately, sooo this is very interesting I will have to ask my doc about this, thanks for sharing
  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    A person can get the proper amount of carbs from fruit and starchy veggies as well as low fat greek yogurt. I quit pasta, bread, rice, and pastries after i gained a large amount of weight in college and seen first hand how diabetes ravages bodies in clinicals. Now that I am RN going for my nurse practitioner i must practice what i preach to be a good role model for my patients. I do not push my diet on my patients but i do educate them on healthier eating habits...reducing calorie and carb intake is what i teach.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    i am not a fan at all of high protein and virtually carb free diets. You need carbs to help produce insulin.
    They also make people incredibly miserable. Every seen an ecstatic bodybuilder??
    Everything in moderation. I eat at least 2 slices of wholemeal bread every day and i am still losing the Ibs.

    I didnt realise just how dangerous they could be until looking at this post

    We don't biologically need carbs for anything...........

    The whole point of higher fat, moderate protein and low carb is too keep the body from producing too much insulin. You want steady insulin, not producing insulin to address the excess carbs (sugar) in the blood stream.

    Yes, I see many estatic body builders everyday.

    Personally, I don't believe in moderation as our bodies are not designed to handle processed, refined and chemical filled foods.

    Natural foods in the form of fat, protein, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruit - in that order is how we are designed to eat.

    Naturally we need Carbs for our Kidneys to function properly. Not saying you need high amounts but everything in moderation! My sister had one kidney removed as an infant. She has to have a diet high in carbs to keep the other functioning.

    There is no human biological need for carbs what so ever.

    Most people I know with kidney disease and / or 1 kidney are on high fat, moderate protein, low carb (all natural foods) eating plans.

    And my mom was one of those people. It is just she developed Anorexia and stopped eating all together.

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    A person can get the proper amount of carbs from fruit and starchy veggies as well as low fat greek yogurt. I quit pasta, bread, rice, and pastries after i gained a large amount of weight in college and seen first hand how diabetes ravages bodies in clinicals. Now that I am RN going for my nurse practitioner i must practice what i preach to be a good role model for my patients. I do not push my diet on my patients but i do educate them on healthier eating habits...reducing calorie and carb intake is what i teach.

    Awesome, I hope there are many more Doctors and Nurse Practioners like you coming out of Med schools in the future.
  • I can't agree 100% about having no biological need for carbohydrates because I don't know enough about the biochemistry and physiology of metabolism - BUT - I know enough to be able to agree that carbs can be reduced in our population among certain individuals, especially diabetics. Obviously, a lot of people live with carbs in their diet, whether or not we need them.

    I think it's more like, "we can obtain the glucose we need from sources other than carbohydrates and therefore may have no/reduced dependency on them".

    And about what MaximalLife and others are saying about moderation, it does have truth to it and actually agrees with LC approach in this example:
    2000 calories with a 50/35/15 ratio that is 250g carbs (is that still the standard recommended values/ratio?) but if calories are reduced to 1300 with the same ratio, carbs become ~163g. To go from one calorie level to another with the same ratio means reducing carbs by 87 grams, which is pretty big. For a careful dieter, reducing calories reduces carbs just like everything else. And exercise reduces effective carbohydrates even more by using glycogen more intensely. Everyone is responsible for doing their own research. If the gvmt tells me to eat carbs, I am free (thank goodness) to look into the methods of experiment on which certain recommendations are based. From there I can form my own conclusion.

    Although it is possible to get one's carbs from protein - since protein is what this whole post was about - it is also possible to get too much and that raises concern for a lot of people.
  • A person can get the proper amount of carbs from fruit and starchy veggies as well as low fat greek yogurt. I quit pasta, bread, rice, and pastries after i gained a large amount of weight in college and seen first hand how diabetes ravages bodies in clinicals. Now that I am RN going for my nurse practitioner i must practice what i preach to be a good role model for my patients. I do not push my diet on my patients but i do educate them on healthier eating habits...reducing calorie and carb intake is what i teach.

    Awesome, I hope there are many more Doctors and Nurse Practioners like you coming out of Med schools in the future.

    I agree with the above poster there, definitely hope for more practitioners like you! I must say if anyone in my family had ever had a history of diabetes I'd probably have done what you have done.
    These kooky diets need to be deposited in file 13.
    When will people just learn to moderate themselves, exercise and eat right?
    Getting fit is simple but hard work.
    It's that "hard work" part that stumps most who fall short.
    And that's why some seek out the perfect diet, pill, shake or root/berry supplement that will make it all happen fast and easy.

    I nominate that guy for this year's Darwin award.

    Hahaha this made me laugh, kooky diets and all that goes with should definitely be put in file 13.
    ALSO I have been having heart problems lately, sooo this is very interesting I will have to ask my doc about this, thanks for sharing

    You're welcome, I hope nothing comes of your visit to the doctor, but still what you feel about the hamburgers I actually feel like about any beef product, can't stomach beef. No idea why just a few years back it stopped tasting yummy and started tasting like I was eating a gym sock, but I think the only reason my "brain hurts" (sorry quotation marks since it's note quite that but best description haha) is because if I do eat beef then I will over chew it with lots of veggies to try and cover the taste before I swallow, over chewing hurts my brain haha. (Yes I do still have beef on the rare occasion since I'm one of those people who was bought up on the understanding it's rude not to eat what your host puts in front of you).

    And finally, @littlemsmuffet (sorry not quoting you, too much to quote haha) thank you for passing on what your professor said, and that's really interesting and kind of disgusting about the gout, I am officially grossed out! And I totally agree with that you say about being free to make your own opinion about things despite what the government says. And again thank you for your information (and for doing calculations that I wouldn't have ever even thought of doing), really shows what we are most often ignorant to.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Thanks for sharing, very interesting! I don't advocate any particular diet one way or the other, but I tend to eat pretty high protein and moderate carbs.

    It seems like one of those strange anomalies - like people dying from swimming in freshwater lakes because an amoeba ate their brain. It happens. I guess in life you just never know ;)
  • I try to eat semi-high protein and moderate carbs too, keeps me fuller for longer, plus my doctor recommended I got around 40-50% of my calories from protein (says the girl who until using this site didn't realize she barely ate 15-20g of protein a day). And yeh in all honesty it is one of those strange anomalies, I'm kind of interested now in finding out if there are any similar conditions that are set off by too much of something else (not sure if diabetes count or not).
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, OTC is really quite rare. Yes dangerous but not many people would have it.
  • If it makes you feel any better, OTC is really quite rare. Yes dangerous but not many people would have it.

    Haha I'm not worried about it, just shocked by its effects, it said on the article how rare it was, I was just interested in other peoples thoughts on it. Also interested if anyone on this site has it but a) I doubt it and b) I wouldn't expect them to post about having it because that's their own private business, but still I'm interested :D Thank you for posting since a few people have expressed concern about it and I definitely didn't set out to make people scared of having OTC >_<
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    MY MY MY.. we got some ver smart people here. I think carbs are not all bad in fact I believe in balance but I do tend to eat more protein than carbs cause i like it.. It is amazing and so very interesting what everyone had to say... its nice the world is still thinking not so worried about the future now! Linda:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: