What alcohol to choose?



  • siciliankiss
    Thanks for the tips! And you're right... I shouldn't worry about it too much. I'm not a huge vodka person and I have heard it's less calories before.. but unless it's mixed with sugary oj.. then I can't stomach it. I guess it's wine (mixed with moderation). I'll just have to laugh a little more (That's good for burning calories isn't it? lol)

    or dance! :)
  • ali_kat4
    ali_kat4 Posts: 70 Member
    79 cals is much better than the wine! hmmmm decisions!! I'll definitely have to follow the tip of alternating with water. I quit smoking last year (which is where the weight gain came from)... so everytime I drank after that I would drink way too much too quickly because I was so used to "smoke-sip-sip-smoke" That turned into "sip-sip-sip-sip-drunk-sleep". I'll pour smaller glasses and then have water. That should last the evening! Thanks
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I love beer, Coors light. But, of course it doesn't matter when I drink 6 or 8 of them. Life is short could be dead tomorrow. I don't do this a lot but, when I do I go all out.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Mike's Hard Lemonade is only 98 calories for 11 ounces. I think that's a good tasty choice. Check out the following if you'd prefer vodka.

    80-proof vodka (40% alcohol; the most common type) has 64 calories per 1oz
    86-proof vodka (43% alcohol) has 70 calories/1 oz
    90-proof vodka (45% alcohol) has 73 calories/1 oz
    100-proof vodka (50% alcohol) has 82 calories/1 oz
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    Going to a party... will be drinking involved... What is the best alcohol to drink for less calories? I'm normally a red wine drinker. I haven't been drinking at all (Excluding New Years of course). So now that's i'm eating healthy, I don't want to drink my way up the calorie chart.

    vodka / diet soda or vodka / diet cranberry. that's what i usually drink, although i sometimes have a brandy or rum. don't waste calories on the mixer, though.
    Any other tips?

    make sure you have a plan to get home safely after the party.

    hope that you have a good time.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Here you go:


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
  • CrystalMarie253
    I don't know which alcohol is the best to drink but I am going to throw this out there just in case... If you have lost a bunch of weight and haven't been drinking for a while be careful! On New Years I drank what normally would have not been too much for me, but because of losing a lot of weight and not drinking for a long time, I could NOT handle as much alcohol as I used to. I ended up "getting sick" a lot and I passed out on my bathroom floor for like 4 hours. Mind you I am 28 and that was the first time I have ever drank enough to "sleep" on my bathroom floor (or with my face on the toilet seat .. ugh... embarassing). Not my finest moment and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else LOL! :)
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Mixed drinks can be high in calories, especially sweet fruity drinks. Beer can be high in carbs. Virgin Mary no alcohol, tomato juice and a stick of celery. If you go with Bloody Mary, limit yourself to 2 drinks or be the designated driver, everyone will marvel at your strength and dedication.