How to break a did you do it??

I hit a plateau a couple weeks ago :( I have been gaining and losing the same stinkin pound, but I still have 10 lbs to go to be in Marine Corps Standards. I had a little boy in September of last year, so I was trying to get it all off well before I have to do my six month weigh-in. I lost 14 lbs in about 3 weeks when I first began in December, but I knew I needed to start building back up physically. So I've been running a lot more lately to prepare for the physical fitness test I have to take the same day that I weigh in, but my weight won't budge. I feel if I stop working out, I'll fail my PFT, and if I keep working out like I am, it's gonna keep my weight from coming off. Any tips, ideas, or stories to share? Thanks in advance :)