question re soda cakes

JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
So, when making these soda cakes, how big is a box of cake mix? I have found so many different size possibilities, surely not all of them require one can of diet soda? I tried a Betty Crocker because it was on offer. Glad I didn't waste full price, as I used barely a third of a can and it was a very runny batter which never actually cooked properly. Soggy, chewy and rather unpleasent. Very disappointing. Could someone give me some specifics please?


  • What size are the cake boxes over there? I made one about a month ago, and I used two small cake mix boxes that were 10 oz each, so I used 20 oz of cake mix with one can of diet soda and it came out perfect! Over here our average size of cake mix is around 18.25 - 20 oz, so get one close to that and try again, should come out just fine.
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    My recipe calls for 18.25 oz cake mix and 12 oz soda. I haven't made it yet. Gonna make it tomorrow for Sunday lunch. Using a yellow butter cake mix with a cream soda. A lot of the reviews I read said to add in 1-2 egg whites (no yokes) to make it rise like a normal cake. :) Good luck!
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    When I made mine I had one box cake mix ( not sure size) and 8 oz of soda. Why don't you just pour a little in and stir and add till the constancy looks right. Mine were great and I put some mini choc chips on top and was thanking next time maybe adding fat free pudding as my frosting :) any other healthy topping ideas plz share :)
  • agranados87
    agranados87 Posts: 23 Member
    I used a Betty Crocker cake mix (devils food I think), and a 12oz can of Cherry Coke Zero. They tasted good, but the texture wasn't the same as normal cake. Yes, the batter was very runny, but they did cook. They were flat, very sticky, and very "wet"... but like I said, they tasted good and they were lo cal/lo fat, so it worked for me!
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    When I have made them I have added 3 egg whites. It doesn't affect the calories much, and gives a better finished product. Also, 8 oz of the soda is reallly sufficient for the standard 18-20 oz box of cake mix
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I used Devils food too. Mine came out moist and raised high. Maybe less soda helped me or maybe climate. I know somethings I make change depending on climate :(
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    I made this cake this past Saturday. I used a yellow butter cake mix and 1 can A&W Cream Soda. Wow - it was to die for! My step son and husband love yellow cake w/chocolate icing. I got a score of 9.5-9.9 from son and all my husband had to say was "you better never run out of yellow cake mix and cream soda!". I didn't put icing on my peice and it was sooo good. It was more compact but not runny or undone. I used a 10cup bundt pan. I'm making 2 of these again this weekend. One the same way and one with Orange Soda. Feel free to ask me any questions. This is my new favorite cake. Oh and they kids requested I make the butter run icing glaze that I've used on another yellow cake before so that's really gonna be good! :happy:
  • I have done this many times with different cominations: chocolate cake and cola, strawberry cake and red pop, spice cake and ginger ale(my fav!) I found that when I make them into cupcakes they seem to rise like normal! Also helps with portion control :)
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    I made this cake this past Saturday. I used a yellow butter cake mix and 1 can A&W Cream Soda. Wow - it was to die for! My step son and husband love yellow cake w/chocolate icing. I got a score of 9.5-9.9 from son and all my husband had to say was "you better never run out of yellow cake mix and cream soda!". I didn't put icing on my peice and it was sooo good. It was more compact but not runny or undone. I used a 10cup bundt pan. I'm making 2 of these again this weekend. One the same way and one with Orange Soda. Feel free to ask me any questions. This is my new favorite cake. Oh and they kids requested I make the butter run icing glaze that I've used on another yellow cake before so that's really gonna be good! :happy: