Motivated people who have weight loss goals in excess of 100

Hi there! I am fairly new (15 days) to MFP and I absolutely love it so far. I am making great strides in the right direction. However I am looking to connect with people who are walking along this same pathway. If you have a weight loss goal of a minimum of 100lbs or more, contact me. I am looking for strong people who are looking to share their inspiration with others and be inspired by others as well. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Have a great weekend!


  • HI there!! Ultimately at the end of this journey my total amount lost will be 141lbs. I've got 96lbs more to go. I started in Aug 11 at 291 and today I'm at 246. It's a great feeling to have gotten this far and I can't wait to see what's in store as the numbers keep going down down down :)