Just had a horrible food day.



  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    Well, I'm right there with you. Just had a pretty horrible food day myself. I've at least committed to logging it all. I know I can zigzag and burn more later...but the trouble is that I've been quite hungry early in the day lately. Then today, I was exhausted and had a terrible day at work, etc., etc., and I got up to about 1700 or 1800 on a 1200/day cal limit. And this is the second time this week.

    I'm trying not to stress over it horribly, but just to log it all and then reflect on why it keeps happening. I have been looking through the diary days. I was trying to eat more protein to feel more full, but on the days I exceeded my recommended protein I didn't necessarily stay under the calorie goal, so perhaps the protein thing isn't helping that much. On days I exercised I was slightly more likely to stay under. The only correlation I see is eating lots of fiber usually leads to going over less. Also, I think getting lots of sleep helps me control my hunger.

    I'd say watch the alcohol -- very caloric. And speaking as one youngish party-loving gal to (perhaps) another...if you are drinking alcohol to get a little party "buzz," you won't need to drink as much if you eat less at the party. I'm not suggesting binge drinking on an empty stomach, but it you eat less, then less alcohol will take you further, and you can save calories in both directions.
  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    I've been working with a dietician since just before Christmas and she allows me one day a week where I don't have to be as strict. If I want that slice of tasty cheese on my sandwich I can, full fat mayo on a salad, or that piece of chocolate. I find I get more pleasure from a couple of small treats being incorporated unto my normal diet, than from a binge that leaves me feeling bloated and greasy for the next two days.
    That being said, I do still have takeaways for 1-2 meals a week, usually along the lines of sushi, subway (light 6inches), Chinese.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    What I mean by horrible food day is that I probably went a million calories over my goal.

    So you had a bad day. There are still 6 more days in the week.

    Have a bad week? There are still 3 more weeks in the month.

    Just get back on the wagon, it's all good.
  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    I know the feeling. :( I went to a french club party and at dinner with my parents. I feel sooo awful about it! :( haha:P It's the worst feeling ever! x.x haah...

    I would say, log your calories, anyway.
    Doing so will keep you better on track. That's what I did. It was painful to see, but it had to be done. xP Anyway, good luck! (:
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    You would have to eat 3500 calories over your maintenance to gain 1 actual pound of fat.

    so no, you're not likely to destroy your weight loss with one bad day of eating.
  • Jubee13
    Jubee13 Posts: 132 Member
    I lost 40 pounds 15 years ago, and have kept it off all these years (within about 5 pounds). I can say from personal experience, this one day WILL NOT affect your weight loss in any way that you'll be able to tell. Just enjoy this day, and start back tomorrow. Don't let it turn into a week-long binge. I have found that if I "let go" every great once in awhile, it does two things - make me realize how much I don't enjoy the feeling of eating too much, and helps me not to feel deprived.
    PS Today was my "horrible food day" also due to a party at work and eating out tonight. I will be right back to healthy eating tomorrow, and I am looking forward to getting back on track!