One of your favourite hobbies



  • Thulpa
    Thulpa Posts: 55 Member
    I have boring hobbies outside of the gym. I am a avid cyclist, and love to work out. Outside of the gym, I would have to say laundry and cooking as those are the two things I do the most with out setting aside a specific time to do it. I am always cooking something or there is always laundry going or both.

    Speaking off, Stuffed peppers just beeped
  • jonbobfrog
    my computer, my phone, and the internet . . . I'm addicted to technology!
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    I don't have much spare time, but on the few rare occasions, I like to browse online (games, shop...whatever), cross stitch, dance to the Wii....maybe cook or bake.

    I'd like to start playing my trumpet again, or learn guitar. I have one I bought last year (guitar), collecting dust in my closet :grumble:
