Who is eating the whole calories everyday ?

kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
I have 1710 Calories to eat everyday. i try to eat 1000 to 1200 of it everyday . at least over the weekdays. also adding some walking helps to burn some more . any one else is doing like this.

IS IT GOOD OR BAD ? also eating the calories you burnt . eat it or leave it alone


  • K9Mayut
    K9Mayut Posts: 5 Member
    I try to eat all of mine to keep my metabolism and energy up throughout the day. You don't want your calorie deficit to be too large or it will work against you.
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    I eat all of mine everyday, but it's also only 1300 so it's hard to eat less (for me). Some days when I exercise a lot, I have to make myself eat back my exercise calories, but I found when I had 200-300 calories left each day I lost less weight than now when I eat my goal every day.
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    Unfortunately I do not have any problems eating my calories. There are a lot of times I go over. I am looking for ways to not feel hungry but still stay at or below my daily goal.
  • Denease06
    Denease06 Posts: 1 Member
    I get 1200 calories a day and i'm struggling to get them in as well. I have lost 90 pounds prior to finding this site. I probably didn't eat enough then but i have been successful. I will see if i lose weight following these guidelines after 2 weeks. If i don't lose, i will resume my original eating habits.
  • I have 1200 calories a day for my goal and find that I feel like I'm starving myself during the day to save my points for dinner. Then when dinner does come along I haven't ate all of my points and then have to find food to eat to make my goal. This is only my first week and it is all still very new to me. For the most part, I've been very close to my goal whether just over or just under but according to the site your always better to go just over so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    i am almost doing the same ... but i am not trying to look for things to make up my calories..
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You need to get your net calorie goal as close to 0 as possible by the end of the day, so that your deficit isn't so large as to start causing you problems. So yes, I'd be looking for ways to get in more calories, and yes, according to MFP guidelines you should eat back your exercise calories especially if you're only eating 1000-1200 before exercise.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    awesome .. thank you ... i think i need to start eating a whole breakfast now on.....