Almost 9 PM

I just finished my diary for the day. When I was done I realized I was only at 960 calories for the day. I was never hungry and I had a great lean cuisine for lunch. I had dinner consisting of broiled scallops ( awesome ) and a baked potato. 2 100 calorie snacks in between meals. I dont want to eat this late at night. Any suggestions


  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I dont want to eat this late at night

    Why not?

    The insulin fairy is about as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i would eat, anything really... but eating late at night isnt bad. i often eat right up until i climb into bed
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I just finished my diary for the day. When I was done I realized I was only at 960 calories for the day. I was never hungry and I had a great lean cuisine for lunch. I had dinner consisting of broiled scallops ( awesome ) and a baked potato. 2 100 calorie snacks in between meals. I dont want to eat this late at night. Any suggestions
    Eating late won't harm your weight loss. But maybe you say that because it interferes with your sleep. Let's go with that.

    What kind of suggestions are you looking for? If you don't want to eat then what are we supposed to be suggesting? Personally I think if you aren't hungry then you shouldn't eat. One low-calorie day isn't going to matter.
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    Don't eat Lucky Charms unless you want the craziest dreams.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Nuts are a great way to up your calories in a healthy way.