Are treadmill calorie counters correct?



  • MichaelJ75
    MichaelJ75 Posts: 16 Member
    All I can do is report my experience.

    I use a HRM (Garmin 210). I input my gender and current weight into both the treadmill and the HRM. The treadmill (and MFP) generally reports more calories burned than my HRM.

    If I forget my HRM and am on the treadmill, I usually take about 2/3 to 3/4 of what it reports and count that. I find that adjustment to level the reported calories between the two.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Well if you set your weight, height on the treadmill before starting, it's closer to the right number of calories burned otherwise it's quite inflated. I invested in heart rate monitor and it was such a good investment.


    Unless you're plugging in some information....your treadmill is using defaults. Gender is another (possible) burn more calories than women.

    A heart rate monitor (with a chest strap) will measure your heart rate constantly and compare it to your resting heart rate. The treadmills with the monitor on the bar just measure your heart rate whenever....and have nothing to compare it too. The comparison is supposed to be exertion level.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    If anyone is interested

    My treadmill was accurate without a weight given, yes heart rate is important, but it only needs to be like 50-80% of your max heart rate for your given age and weight to have a good exercise, over 80% turns into anaerobic. I think as long as you are pushing yourself you should be around correct for calories.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    The Life Fitness Integrity machine asks for age and weight before starting every workout, and previous posts state that it is still 25-30% overestimated.


    For ellipticals:

    When I plugged in my weight, workout minutes, and intensity into this link, the calories were VERY close to 30% fewer than what the Life Fitness Integrity machine reported. This supports Azdak's posts.