Dairy Free And Gluten Free???

Hey there. I have heard several of my friends say that once they have cut out
all dairy and gluten out of their diet they feel SO much better, more energy, no acne, etc.
What do you guys think? Is there truth to it? Is it heathy? Or will I be missing some
important vitamins/nutrients that my body needs? Thanks !!


  • Any ideas? There were no responses so I thought I would follow up ;)
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    For a detox, I have cut out diary and gluten (along with sugar, caffeine and alcohol) for January. I have felt great - more energy, never bloated, sleeping well, better looking skin, etc. When January comes to an end I think I will go back to having some wheat (I really like pasta, but the GF pasta has been ok), but probably much less than I was having before. I will probably continue to stay away from diary, except for live yoghurt, as I think my gut has been better by me switching to soy/other milk alternatives. Also, I've found that avoiding diary has really helped with my weight loss. I also plan to continue to avoid caffeine and sugar, as I think this has also helped my energy levels.
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    If you are interested in trying it, maybe give it a go for about 10-20 days and see how it makes you feel. I was surprised at how easy it was, and how good I have felt. But note that people I have known who have have done the same (my workout group have all done it together) had headaches for the first 3 or so days. Make sure you drink loads of water, eat loads of fresh fruits and vegetables, and plan ahead so you aren't caught out somewhere hungry and only being able to buy a sandwich. good luck!
  • Thank you for replying! These are very good pieces of info!
    I may try it to see how it works for me because I am excited to try something new.
    I will most likely eliminate just the dairy for now. I like coffee too much!! ;-)
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I just wrote a blog piece on something like this: doesnojustice.wordpress.com

    My personal opinion is that I've been gluten and dairy free for about 3 years now. It's not difficult at all. It forces you to change up your eating habits; everything from where you eat, what you eat, and when you eat. I love being able to get really interesting dishes at restaurants -- like seared tuna with pistachio crust, or pear risotto with salmon. You can even make dishes like these at home no problem. If you're a minimalist cook (or can't cook like me!) it's really easy to bake your meats or pan fry them. Excluding gluten does NOT mean you can't eat rice, beans, and potatoes. Excluding dairy does NOT mean you can't have a good egg scramble for breakfast or a creamy macaroni and cheese.
    I swear the best macaroni and cheese I've ever had came from boiling corn pasta and making a cheese sauce out of almond milk and 2 slices of vegan cheddar cheese.
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