People who say "I can't afford to eat healthy" or "Healthy e



  • samhelen
    I think the perception of expense comes into play when you're feeding more than just one person -- if you are shopping solely for yourself the price difference is negligible but if you're trying to feed a whole family with differing diets this can sometimes (and I used the phrase sometimes loosely) be more expensive. Fundamentally though, I tend to hear the "more expensive" comments from people that have 1) not learned how to shop and 2) don't know how to cook so the whole concept of buying raw fresh foods and shopping on the outside of the grocery store can be a very terrifying experience for them. You're right though, it all comes down to planning.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    To feel even remotely satisfied eating from McDonald's Dollar Menu, I'd need two double cheeseburgers and a small fry. That's $3.

    Or I could buy boneless skinless chicken breasts at $1.99 a pound, frozen veggies at $1.99 a bag, boxed pasta at $.99 a box (the nutritional difference between regular and whole grain isn't enough for me to bother with it), and some pre-made marinade at $2.99 a bottle (which will last months). I could make several healthy, delicious, satisfying meals out of those ingredients at less than $2 a pop.

    I want to know where you are and where you shop at.......because here Boneless skinless chicken breast is more like $3.99 a lb or higher.

    its 3.99 at some stores in my area too.. 1.89 at a market store ... and if you buy 40lbs it is 1.29 lb at a market store in an old polish area ..have to look around and see what you can find out there i guess..i have a good schnozz for deals but i asked my trainer where he gets his meats at
  • samhelen
    I agree that they do teach portion control which is a fabulous tool for someone that has never thought about it, but my general dissatisfaction with frozen meals has lead me to cooking large batches of my own meals up and portioning them out into 2-cup freezable take-out containers or 3-4 oz. servings of meat in freezer bags so that I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat, I just mix and match calories in the freezer :smile:
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I think you bring up some very good points.

    My biggest problem is that I'm new to eating "healthy" (I'm trying!!) and when I look at recipes they are for huge servings, but I'm the only person in my house that eats this way. I have to get more creative with single servings.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    There was a thread on here a while back where a woman was justifying her rubbish diet by saying that she *has* to eat fast food because she can't afford to buy fresh food for herself and her family.

    I wanted to shake her.

    If you eat two fast food meals a day (for a family of four) for three days, you could have fed your family for a week on fresh food. Once you have the staples in your cupboard, you're good to go.

    I'm not just talking for the sake of it. I have seven kids, I *know* how high shopping bills can be!
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    I don't know if this is entirely true. At least not where I am. If you compare it to eating junk food at fast food places then yes, I can see where buying good food can be cheaper - but not always. I just went to the grocery store last night. A large bag of chips is $2.50. That would last about 10 snacks. I bought 3 apples and it cost me $3.00. A pack of hot dogs and a pack of buns is a total of about $3.00. That's 8 lunches. I bought 2 bags of salad - 5 lunches - and it cost me $6.00. A box of regular pasta is 88 cents. A box of whole grain pasta is almost $3.00. I could go on.

    Here was my shopping list:
    2 bags of salad
    2 bags of butternut squash
    4 cups of skinny cow ice cream
    1 pound of fat free turkey
    1 jar of almonds
    1 6-pack of V8
    A loaf of wheat bread
    1 box of corn flakes
    4 cans of tuna
    1 jar of peppers

    Grand total: $48.00. And this is just an in-between week.

    I could eat off the dollar menu at McDonald's (burger, fries, soda) 14 times for that much money. What I bought will be about 8 meals. I remember a time when that same list would have cost me half that.

    I also know that if you buy in bulk, it works out cheaper. But some folks, myself included, even though it's cheaper in the long run, can't afford to buy 40 pounds of chicken at $1.29 a pound. That would be half of my budget for the week.

    Where I am, chicken breast is close to $4 a pound. Fresh peppers are $6.00 a pound. And fruit? Most of it is between $1.50 and $2.00 a pound. Veggies are often a lot more. I'm also a smart shopper, and buy things when they are on sale and look for the best deals and cut coupons, etc. But for some people, perhaps depending on their location, it's MUCH cheaper to buy junk food. I'm not saying it's a good excuse, but it is a reason. Don't be so quick to assume. Prices aren't the same everywhere you go.
  • bettermomma28
    bettermomma28 Posts: 8 Member
    I completely agree. We run into agruement from members of our extented family. I would honestly say that we couldn't afford to eat unhealthy foods. I am a stay at home mother. We live way out in the countryside so it is not pratical to shop more than once a week. I always have a detailed meal plan for the week. We are a family of 5 (with two growing boys) and our spending is quite low. I have the luxury of having time to prepare meals from scratch that many others do not have though. We grow a nice size garden every year, and I make preserves and home can, or freeze everything that I am able. That alone saves a substantial amout of money. Even a very small garden can have a very good yeild.

    A typical breakfast in our home is oats (bought at the bulk food store for $.59/lb) with an apple chopped up in it. Sometimes farina (cream of wheat) or scrabbled eggs and toast with homemade perserves. With even a little planing and homecooking, healthy eating is very affordable. Air popped popcorn is healthy, and delicious snack that costs pennies per serving.

    I could not imagine paying to feed my family, take out or convience meals. The cost would be unbareable. Plus, the cost of junk food is so much more than money. The toll that the processed food takes on our bodies, is a price that I'm not willing to pay. Truthfully my answer to those people that say they cannot afford to "eat healthy" is that, you can't afford not to!!!
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    SO TRUE!!! I made a comment on a previous forum about the price diff between apples to chips, but that apples last at least a week and chips are gone after one television show.

    Yesterday I bought LOTS of healthy things and YES my bill was higher than usual BUT I bought a 10.00 bottle of extra virgin olive oil which will last probably the rest of the semester! The healthy food MAY initially cost more, but will probably last longer and therefore be cheaper over time.

    Last night alone my roommates spent 18.25 ordering pizza...that's more than the cost of my olive oil (10.00), meat (5.44), and mushrooms (1.99).

    I never thought I'd be eating the way I do now, and after getting super sick after last nights pizza I know I can never go back to eating the way I once did.

    It's funny how our bodies reject the "crap" food once you eat clean for a while. You always know when you mess up even if you try to justify it and eat it anyway. Your body definitely knows.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i agree, in my house we but a lot of vegtables and make a big pot of healthy veg soup which can last for days
    think got ingrediants for £5 and if made about 12 platefuls so thats 41p per plate...... try getting that in a restauraunt :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Most people who "can't afford" healthy foods usually find money for cable, smokes, internet, cars, gas, junk food, partying and other things high on their priority list, including fast foods. Rarely is there a real case where somebody truly can't afford a healthy diet.
    My answer is always the same.
    "Oh well, sorry to have wasted your time. Let's talk again when things get better; good luck".
    Once the excuses start flowing, I am OUT OF THERE!

    Such folks are short of something, and it's not money.
  • kriggs1976
    That used to be my #1 excuse for not losing weight! Seriously.

    But, when I was faced with no option but to lose weight, I stopped any and all fast food and that freed up so much extra money and it went into buying the healhtier food! 31 pounds lighter, I am glad there is no more fast food for me!

    Great blog by the way :)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I just bought boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.99 a lb in the Great State of Maine.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    I completely agree. We run into agruement from members of our extented family. I would honestly say that we couldn't afford to eat unhealthy foods. I am a stay at home mother. We live way out in the countryside so it is not pratical to shop more than once a week. I always have a detailed meal plan for the week. We are a family of 5 (with two growing boys) and our spending is quite low. I have the luxury of having time to prepare meals from scratch that many others do not have though. We grow a nice size garden every year, and I make preserves and home can, or freeze everything that I am able. That alone saves a substantial amout of money. Even a very small garden can have a very good yeild.

    A typical breakfast in our home is oats (bought at the bulk food store for $.59/lb) with an apple chopped up in it. Sometimes farina (cream of wheat) or scrabbled eggs and toast with homemade perserves. With even a little planing and homecooking, healthy eating is very affordable. Air popped popcorn is healthy, and delicious snack that costs pennies per serving.

    I could not imagine paying to feed my family, take out or convience meals. The cost would be unbareable. Plus, the cost of junk food is so much more than money. The toll that the processed food takes on our bodies, is a price that I'm not willing to pay. Truthfully my answer to those people that say they cannot afford to "eat healthy" is that, you can't afford not to!!!

    Your last line is what makes me use you as a quote! I ate out last night, and am regretting it today (have been most of the night, too)! Eating healthy can lower your risk factors for so many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol! For me it's eat healthy, or have all of this by the time I'm 30. Fresh produce isn't the cheapest where I live, but it's nowhere near the most expensive I've seen. I buy my meats, on the occasion that I eat them, from local markets, so it's more expensive, but it's worth it knowing that the chicken didn't die pumped full of hormones. I'd rather spend my money on a little bit higher grocery bill than shelling it out to the doctors and hospitals because I'm ill.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I agree that it is cheaper to eat healthy. I eat less, and don't eat out as often. When I do go out I take half of my meal home or share with my husband. Boneless chicken breasts always go on sale and you can prepare many things with them. You just have to plan a little and look for when things go on sale.......It's like anything else in life.....if you want results, you have to use your brain and put some effort in.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    You hear it so many times, people saying that they can't afford to eat healthy, it's too expensive. I've even heard it on here, someone saying that healthy eating is too expensive because a bag of apples is 3/4 times the price of a bag of chips/crisps and it's not the only time I've heard people one here say it. Nevermind the fact that that $1 bag of chips is gone in one sitting whereas that $3.50 bag of apples lasts maybe 5 or 6 snacks.

    Usually I buy all my shopping in bits and pieces throughout the week but today I sat down and planned out my meals for the entire week - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then I wrote a shopping list so that I'd make sure I got absolutely everything I needed for the week. I partly did this as I'm a trainee teacher and I start my school placement again this week which means I'm pretty busy so don't want to have to keep popping in the shop but also, I wanted to see what it costs me for an entire week. To give you an idea of what I bought, here's my meal plan for the week.

    Breakfast is cereal or fruit smoothies, weekend poached eggs.
    Lunch is cous cous salad with tinned tuna or sliced up chicken, humus and veg or soup.
    Dinners are chickpea curry, chicken fajitas, sausages and roasted vegetables, battered fish with sweet potato chips (fries to you americans!) twice this week, chicken stir fry and burgers with sweet potato chips/fries. Plus veg like peas, carrots etc.

    Snacks are yoghurts and fruit. I've also got some nut bits already. I didn't have to buy the cous cous as I've got a pack but that's £1-2 and lasts me about a month.

    So I went shopping and bought everything that I needed for all of that, plus there'll still be some left over (like a pack of 8 sausages when I only need 4, or 4 bits of chicken when I only need 2, 4 tins of tuna when I only need 3, 8 sweet potatoes when I only need 3 etc) that I can freeze or keep for next week. I spent a grand total of £23.50, so just under $37. That's £3.36/$5.28 a day. I can't even go to McDonalds and buy ONE meal for that. I really hope that this helps show those people who say that they can't afford to eat healthy or that healthy eating is more expensive that it really doesn't have to be, at all. Healthy eating is not only far better for you but with planning, it's even cheaper.

    Thanks so much!

    We are going through VERY difficult financial times which means it is difficult, especially the produce, but that doesn't mean we buy crap either ;)
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Most people who "can't afford" healthy foods usually find money for cable, smokes, internet, cars, gas, junk food, partying and other things high on their priority list, including fast foods. Rarely is there a real case where somebody truly can't afford a healthy diet.
    My answer is always the same.
    "Oh well, sorry to have wasted your time. Let's talk again when things get better; good luck".
    Once the excuses start flowing, I am OUT OF THERE!

    Such folks are short of something, and it's not money.

    This reply makes me sad....For so many reasons...I won't even bother commenting any further.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    You hear it so many times, people saying that they can't afford to eat healthy, it's too expensive. I've even heard it on here, someone saying that healthy eating is too expensive because a bag of apples is 3/4 times the price of a bag of chips/crisps and it's not the only time I've heard people one here say it. Nevermind the fact that that $1 bag of chips is gone in one sitting whereas that $3.50 bag of apples lasts maybe 5 or 6 snacks.

    Usually I buy all my shopping in bits and pieces throughout the week but today I sat down and planned out my meals for the entire week - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then I wrote a shopping list so that I'd make sure I got absolutely everything I needed for the week. I partly did this as I'm a trainee teacher and I start my school placement again this week which means I'm pretty busy so don't want to have to keep popping in the shop but also, I wanted to see what it costs me for an entire week. To give you an idea of what I bought, here's my meal plan for the week.

    Breakfast is cereal or fruit smoothies, weekend poached eggs.
    Lunch is cous cous salad with tinned tuna or sliced up chicken, humus and veg or soup.
    Dinners are chickpea curry, chicken fajitas, sausages and roasted vegetables, battered fish with sweet potato chips (fries to you americans!) twice this week, chicken stir fry and burgers with sweet potato chips/fries. Plus veg like peas, carrots etc.

    Snacks are yoghurts and fruit. I've also got some nut bits already. I didn't have to buy the cous cous as I've got a pack but that's £1-2 and lasts me about a month.

    So I went shopping and bought everything that I needed for all of that, plus there'll still be some left over (like a pack of 8 sausages when I only need 4, or 4 bits of chicken when I only need 2, 4 tins of tuna when I only need 3, 8 sweet potatoes when I only need 3 etc) that I can freeze or keep for next week. I spent a grand total of £23.50, so just under $37. That's £3.36/$5.28 a day. I can't even go to McDonalds and buy ONE meal for that. I really hope that this helps show those people who say that they can't afford to eat healthy or that healthy eating is more expensive that it really doesn't have to be, at all. Healthy eating is not only far better for you but with planning, it's even cheaper.

    I shop right...and I go shopping just before dinner time as they reduce a lot of fresh produce which will last a couple of days but instead of paying £s, you're paying pence. Things that keep OK for a few days too like apples/whole cabbages/whole carrots/potatoes etc. And most of the meat was available at full price earlier in the day but gets reduced later on to sell it off because they can't sell it the next day... With that, I freeze it. No different to if I'd have bought it full price in the morning.

    In addition, buy staple ingredients in bulk or the value version. Things such as porridge oats, honey etc
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Here was my shopping list:
    2 bags of salad
    2 bags of butternut squash
    4 cups of skinny cow ice cream

    How about getting a head of lettuce and a whole squash instead of the pre-cut bags? I don't like paying money for someone else to cut my food. For instance, broccoli florets are $3.99 a pound, but broccoli crowns are $1.49 a pound.

    And for the ice cream, I just get store brand ice cream sandwiches. The calories and fat weren't THAT far off from the name brand diet ones, and since one sandwich is a serving size, I feel more satisified (emotionally) than if I spooned a half a cup of ice cream into a bowl. To be honest, I don't track sugar, so that might make a difference. Turkey Hill and Wegmans (since I see you're in PA) both have very tasty frozen yogurts or lower calorie ice creams, too.

    Where are you shopping that chicken is $4 a pound? I shop at Price Chopper, Wegmans and Shop Rite and at least one of those stores always has it for $1.99 in the 5# or larger big packs. I separate them into one pound portions in freezer bags.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You hear it so many times, people saying that they can't afford to eat healthy, it's too expensive. I've even heard it on here, someone saying that healthy eating is too expensive because a bag of apples is 3/4 times the price of a bag of chips/crisps and it's not the only time I've heard people one here say it. Nevermind the fact that that $1 bag of chips is gone in one sitting whereas that $3.50 bag of apples lasts maybe 5 or 6 snacks.

    Actually at the wal mart I shop at you can get a huge family sized bag of chips for 1.98 and the bags of apples there are 3.98.
    But its not really an issue for me since I dont really like chips lol
    The trick to produce is buying whats in season,then the prices are ok.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Re: what I said earlier.

    This particular lady lived in the UK. So do I.
    She specified that they usually ate at MacD's twice a day. That's about £5 per meal, per person. I have six kids living at home, so that would be £40 for ONE MEAL each for me and my family. My average weekly shopping bill is between £160 and £200, depending on various offers etc.
    If we ate at MacD's twice a day for a whole week it would cost upwards of £560 a week. That's not including breakfast, snacks, drinks....