This is me and I'm looking for supportive friends

Hi Everyone,

42 years old from Minnesota and working on changing my lifestyle. Re-learning how to eat so that i no longer live to eat but eat to live. I enjoy being active now, I work out 5 days a week and as soon as spring reappears here I'll add the 6th again. I have 2 kids, daughter (20) and son (15). Happily married. Love to game on the weekends, I am an Original Everquest girl but currently playing World of Warcraft with my friends on Saturday and Sunday mornings before the kids get up (and any days off I get).

I LOVE LOVE LOVE books. The most appealing scent in the world to me is the smell of brewing coffee and the scent of old books blending together. One of my favorite things that my husband and I like to do occasionaly (if we have a vacation day off of work) is go "coffee shop hoping" in the cities. I bring a book or two, he brings a book and his iPad and we go from coffee shop to coffee shop "trying them out". Not alot of eating involved but lots of coffee drinking and since we drink it black it's ok =)

Learning to love exercising. Last year I started "running" (which is no small feat at 270 pounds at the time). My first race ever in my life was "The Warrior Dash". WHAT A RUSH! After that i was hooked, I did 2 more races that year, last one was this past October. I still find it very hard to run and I hate it when I'm "doing" it but there's something I just can't put my finger on that brings me back. I can only run about 2 mins then walk 4 mins at a time but I hope someday that will change.

I've recently caught the weight lifting bug and O.M.G! LOVE it. I love feeling strong. Nuff said.

I work full time (plus some) but dream of winning the "big one" and singing "Take this job and shove it..." I would love to quit my job and get a part time job at a coffee shop close to home, just for fun, freedom, the smell of coffee and the chance to meet people, share a topic or two, make 'em a great cup of coffee and send 'em on their way.

Good luck to each of you as you travel on your journey and if anyone wants to be friends look me up!


  • pufff
    pufff Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new here but very happy to offer all the support I can! I understand the coffee/books thing completely! I used to take my daughter to Glasgow on Saturdays. I spent the whole day there waiting for her in a book shop, drinking coffee and reading. Bliss!
    I am 54 and a past master at this dieting lark, having successfully lost 6 stone 4 years ago but, well, you can guess! Sorry this reply is short- typing on my iPhone! Keep on touch!