is this common?

Hello!! Jus a quick question and would be really grateful for some advice!! So iv been lifting small weights to tone up and yesterday I use a slighhtly bigger one for my arms!I was fine all evening then this morning I woke up in agony!! I can't move my head side to side or lift my arm! My left shoulder feels locked with a lot of pain at the bottom of my neck!! Iv tried a hot bath,cold shower,ibuptofen,pain killers and a hot water bottle!! Is this caused by the weights and what can I do to ease the pain! Thank u :)


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    No that is not normal. Sounds like you've sprained something. I would go to the doctor.
  • texancountess
    Sounds like you've strained a muscle in your neck. It can actually be pretty easy to do. I would try a chiropractor or doctor. When I had that happen with my neck (as a result of teaching five year old white belts some tumbling moves) I had to take a muscle relaxant and get my neck adjusted. The only thing I regretted was how long I waited to fix it.