Hello i'm new!

My friend Mel is using this site and showed me her iPhone app that scans food! Wow I thought that looks cool but best bit if it's on my phone I can update on the go and really keep track of where I am with my eating!

I am 38 years old (39 in june) married with two beautiful children Tom who is 5 and Millie who is 8 months. I am 193lb and for my height need to get down to around 145lb jut to put me in the healthy weight range it seems like so much to loose nearly a quarter of what i weigh now!!!! Gulp how did I let it get this bad?

So here we go mission on I need to set a good example for my children and be fit and healthy to run around with them!


  • fluffymiss
    fluffymiss Posts: 1 Member
    I am also fairly new to MFP. I have 2 children and also need to get to 145 lbs. I need all the help I can get. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • lingold24
    YAY! Good for you! I have used myfitnesspal for a while and love it. I mostly use from my Android which is great because as you said, I can just scan my food in and use it on the go. Good luck :)

  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome! you'll find us a friendly bunch. :wink:
    Friend invite sent - if anyone else cares to add me, please feel free