Is there a limit for fresh fruits and vegetables?



  • Fruit tolerance like carb tolerance is an individual thing.

    Most people can do well on far less carbs than they think, so its an easy reduction without stress.

    I would immediately stop "pressing" oranges in the morning if by that you mean squeezing out the sugar water and a few vitamins into juice and drinking it and at least just eat the whole fruit.

    In fact I would stop eating any carbs are breakfast at all, leave the rest of the day the same, and see how you do.

    I do not see any benefit, at all, to spiking your insulin first thing in the morning unless you just completed some massive workout.
  • I'm not sure about your macros. However, they could be over-carbed like you say. But without seeing that it's hard to tell. Also, are you exercising enough to get rid of the carbs after eating... There are so many factors.

    I eat around 60% of carbs each day with 20/20 on the rest. I've gained muscle and lost fat. But everyone is different and you have to do what works for "your" body!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There definitely is a limit - especially with fruit.... Try focusing on eating more vegetables than fruit.
    Overall you should be having 7-13 servings of fruit per day - about 4 cups on average a day I would think... (depending on age, sex, etc).

    Most people probably couldn't eat too much vegetables though. I find that when I eat them I fill up really fast...especially when I eat raw veggies. Munching on carrots, celery, peppers, etc throughout the day really helps keep hunger at bay...

    7-13 servings of fruit?!?!? My nutritionist recommends no more than 3 per day! It's sugar and carbs, your body doesn't process the sugar from fruit or the sugar from candy much differently: it's still sugar (just in different states/quantities).

    Veggies, on the other hand, you can eat a lot of those. I don't think you can really over do it on the veggies.

    as a matter of fact, the body does process fruit sugar much differently from sucrose. Not that I recommend 13 servings of fruit for most people, but it's not the same. Do a little research on fructose and human metabolic process and you'll see that, while sucrose is taken up in the stomach and esophagus, fruit sugar (fructose) is processed mostly in the colon and small intestines, which takes longer to reach, and longer to pass through the cell walls, where it has to then be converted into glucose (glucose is also a simple sugar, and to make fructose into glucose, it has to be broken down into it's elements, which takes time).
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I'm not sure about your macros. However, they could be over-carbed like you say. But without seeing that it's hard to tell. Also, are you exercising enough to get rid of the carbs after eating... There are so many factors.

    I eat around 60% of carbs each day with 20/20 on the rest. I've gained muscle and lost fat. But everyone is different and you have to do what works for "your" body!

    I have theoritically 65% carbs on swim/running days but I usually have more proteins and less carbs than planned.
    I used to run 20km 5-6 times a week...the fact is that without carbs, no way to take long runs for me. But my cousin who is a professional short distance runner, told me two weeks ago that 2h is the maximum time our body can run without being rehydrated and long-distance runners should also take adapted gel, so it might be that I percieved a lack of energy from deshydratation (I drink huge amounts so I never thought it could be) and thought it was my carbs that were gone. I have succeeded once to run 40km (marathon) but he advised me to run two hours without eating anything, have a soup and run another hour one hour after the training to improve my performance...I will try that next year if I find enough time before an amateur competition.

    Now that I opt for smaller runs (II keep my half-marathon when weather is nice), about 45 minutes with high intervals, twice a week, go to the gym twice a week (2h with little cardio) and go for a swim (2km in a bit less than a hour) several times depending on weather to make it 6 trainings a week, the carbs I have through my healthy meals are sufficient (I am never hitting a wall or feeling no energy like I used to when I was running longer distances).

    As suggested, it might be a good idea to decrease carbs in the morning. I will check how it impacts my trainings.
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    I say just go with what the myplate/food pyramid suggestion says. So, 2-4 servings. Keep in mind that a serving is a medium apple or half a banana.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member