Taking it one day at a time

Hey, my name is Michelle. I am 43 years old, married with 2 boys. I am 185 trying to get to 155. I've been using my fittness pal on my ipod since January 2. It seems like its taking forever to loose this weight, but I'm determined to do it...need all the help and support I can get!!!


  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I also started Jan 1. welcome and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • teresastrowz46
    teresastrowz46 Posts: 41 Member
    you say you joined jan 2...well today is jan 28...you've been at it for 26 days and have lost 7 pounds! that's exactly how it works. don't expect to reach your goal in a month...it literally is a day to day thing that you just gotta keep doing. i know in the beginning it's easy to wish you were already there, but it just doesn't work that way. i averaged out 10 pounds in a month...by 4 months i was down 40 pounds. it started slowing down after that, but just think, in 4 months if you continue with what you're doing, you could be buying a new pair of jeans 2 sizes smaller! you just gotta keep pluggin away...working out, eating right, and keeping track of those calories and you should see fabulous results! good luck!