Gaining, Gaining, and still GAINING! Wth.

I am watching what I eat, counting my calories, eating a special K protein bar for breakfast & lunch while I'm at work on my break and then I eat when I get home. Usually it's something like healthy choice soup/stew or smart ones dinners when I'm feeling like it's too late to cook. I bought fresh veggies & cut them all up and have been snacking on those and low cal popcorn. I switched my soda to diet and I rarely drink anything that isn't 0 cal. I take a vitamin daily and I was feeling good about myself because after I had the flu I had lost 6 pounds (not in a pretty way) and I kept losing so I lost another 2 after that from calorie counting. Today, I stepped on the scale after about 2 weeks and I've gained it all back. My clothes haven't gotten tighter. I don't *look* much bigger but the numbers on the scale are shooting up and I've noticed my breasts are getting bigger and busting out of my bras. I don't know why I'd be gaining weight in *that* department but it's better than my gut I guess. I'm frustrated because I was on the right track and losing then suddenly it just reversed and started going up. When I hit 185, I stall. I stall and stall and its hard to get past it. That's my bodies stopping point. I've already lost 85 pounds and my body won't let me keep going past there. I finally got down to 175 last year but after a divorce and a stressful move of 1,000 miles I went back to 185. Thats where I was until today, where I am at 190 again. I'm 5'11 and have a pretty moderate build with a 38E chest so 190 doesn't look terrible on me, but I'm aiming for 160 or 165 and I swear, after 3 years I just cant get my body to drop the weight anymore. I spend my entire work day walking and standing (I work at walmart in the electronics department, there is no standing around) and I have a 3 year old I chase around and balance on my knees for fun. I even do a workout on the kinect once in a while but it seems like there's some extenuating factor that has me gaining steadily and I can't figure out what it is. I'm ready to give up but I know that won't get me anywhere except back to big girl land where I was 262 lbs after my pregnancy. Any ideas as to why I'm gaining this way?

This might be TMI but I have the implanon and I have read reviews of it making weight loss harder. I have also thought that maybe since I'm feeling pms like and it's about that time of the month but I don't actually *get* a period, that it could be a lot of water weight? Any input on this?? Feel free to add me or check out my blog at



  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    Bumping for OP so that others with advice to offer might see this.

    In the meantime, please hang in there - don't let these last few pounds discourage you. What you've lost so far is terrific, and this setback is minor (and temporary) compared to what you've achieved so far.
  • Sydney0710
    Sydney0710 Posts: 61 Member
    You lost 6 lbs in 2 days with the flu?
    You lost water weight and are gaining that back.
  • Hi there sarah

    Just a question, are you eating enough? Having a job that requires you to walk around most of the day will mean that you need to compensate with the extra energy expenditure,

    Having a daily intake slightly below your expenditure is the way to go
  • kimski08
    kimski08 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Sarah, you mentioned that the implanon prevents weight loss. Do you know anything about this, I've got it in, I asked the dr to organise having it removed but she said to keep it in. I split from my bf 9 months ago so don't really need it.

    I'm intrigued about whether it's known to prevent weight loss. I too an counting cals etc but my weights going up! Was 183 when I started I'm approaching 191 :-(
  • RedHeadChick
    RedHeadChick Posts: 39 Member
    You might think about eating more fresh, live food. The gronla bars and canned soups will only help so much. They are packed with sodium and lots of artificial junk, and the body just doesn't know what to do with all the stuff. So the more live your food is the better. How much water are you drinking? I wouldn' waist my time on Diet soda. It is filled with even more chemicals the regular soda. So get rid of it. Take it out of your diet completely. Lots of people stalled out in their weight loss, and finally got rid of soda and found their bodys got could finally lose weight. So that maybe helping to hold you back.

    Also if you just got out of a very stressful time in your life, they can also play a role. Adrenal Fatigue is a bear to deal with and recover from. So you really need to focus on healthy, live foods to recover those glands.

    Hope that helps. ;)
  • how discouraging, but my advice is not weight watcher meals if all possible. They have a lot of sodium and that is
    your issue. Add 4 more glasses of water to your day. I'm not an expert but im a water gainer and your situation sounds
    so like mine. You aslo need to bump up your protein. Unfortuanately a lot of products say healthy but fruits and veggies
    are the way to go. If it is late when i get home and i don't like to cook just for myself i open up my favorite veggie like
    a can of peas or green beans. It is true just a bar for breakfast and lunch puts your body in starvation mode and it quits
    burning calories. When you do get to your weight goal you want to be eating real foods, so cut back your portions keep
    counting your calories it will come off soon