i found this healthy recipe for peanut butter banana oatmeal squares! looks SO GOOD i just had to share it with you all!!
hopefully will be making these tomorrow. however, even though it says 'healthy' i would feel guilty eating probably and keeping them in the house would maybe trigger a binge!

your thoughts? healthy? would you make these?


  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Wow thanks for the recipe!
    They look amazing. I might use my peanut butter trick and combine coconut oil with PB2 to lower the calorie count.

    But the recipe itself is quite healthy! Maybe drop the sugar and when I go to eat it, I might top it with some strawberry preserves to sweeten it -- and have a peanut butter jelly breakfast ;)
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    yes i was thinking about leaving out the sugar, and maybe using a little less PB. shame she doesnt state the calories :(

    i am making these soon

    good and healthy for you! no butter... and the calories are listed. these will be great for post work out snacks
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Im gonna try these babies out, thanks! :D
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    i made them! they were very good. just cut down on the sugar, and the peanut butter, but added another half of the banana. came out soft and delicious! would recommend