Hello all! College guy back on the bandwagon ...

Hey everybody! This is my third or fourth serious attempt on MFP (plus two on WW), but I'm determined to get a little more involved in the community this time around to help keep me on the straight and narrow.

I'm about graduate college (o.O) in Washington, DC. I'm 5'8", 197 as of last week (have been as high as 207), and I'd like to get down to 169 before I start a maintenance lifestyle, maybe getting a few pounds lower once I'm there. I've always managed to be in decent cardio shape despite being anywhere from 20-40 pounds overweight, but one of my big motivations is knowing how much farther, faster and higher I'll go when I get to goal. My most recent weight loss accompanied training for my first marathon - I finished in just over four hours, and dropped from 197 to 182, my lightest since high school! Fast forward to a week or two ago, I haven't run in a month and I've put every single pound back on. It was the specter of being *heavier* then before my marathon that got me back on here.

I am determined to make my return to MFP a lifestyle change, not a diet. I love craft beer, so figuring out how to make that part of a healthy diet is going to be a trick, but I'll do it! I run 4-5x a week, and I've just started Kundalini yoga 2x per week. Yoga is kicking my a** and I love it! So many guys are afraid to look stupid or feminine doing yoga, and let me tell you, it is a core workout like no other! Apart from that I lift weights every once in a while.

This kinda turned into a novel, but hey, it feels good to say it all. You'll be seeing a lot more of me, so if there's anything else you want to know, ask!