Hola MFP!! New to the community...need some motivation!!!

Well I have been off and on from logging for the past year, but have never checked out the community message boards, so I thought I would give it a go...couldn't hurt, right!! I am 32 years, and after my last child was born (4 YEARS AGO), i have really been struggling to get my body back to healthy status!!! I am 5'7, and 201lbs...started @ 213, and cannot seem to get under 200 to save my life...I work out on an incline treadmill 3x week, and am eating less than 2000 cal a day, but the scale is not budging!!!! I eat fairly healthy foods, alot of high fiber foods, and alot of fruit and veggie...also drink lots of water....Soooooo.....anyone that can relate to me, please add me, or send any thoughts or motivation my way, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :happy: