Slimquick Razor

I was simply curious about anyone else here using Slimquick razor to boost their weight loss? I have been a steady 170lbs for about 2 months now. I started it 4 days ago and have lost 6 lbs since then!! I am trying not to get too excited, as I know most of that is probably water weight. Anybody have anything good to say about it?


  • jrecmcallister
    I have been curious about Slimquick also. I am debating taking it, I have been at a standstill on my weight loss for a few weeks now. Have you continued to have any good results? Thanks!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    In my opinion it's a terrible thing to take but everyone needs to make their own decisions on these things.

    Diet pills can help you lose weight but can also have terrible effect on your body, health and heart. There are a lot of side effects that come with these pills. They are mostly caffeine and versions of laxative (depending on which ones you get). I have tried these before and have had friends who have tried them. When I tried them I stopped really quickly because it made my heart race. All weight lost on these are usually gained right back once they are stopped.

    Have you tried switching things up to help you get back to losing weight? Changing exercises? Changing what you eat? Having a cheat meal once a week to shock your body into more calories? Are you eating enough? Too much sodium? Not enough water? Not measuring all food? Not tracking every little bit of food you eat? There are a lot of things that can cause you to stay the same in your weight.