All week long I work so hard to eat healthy and be aware of what I`m putting into my body. I have fun with it even, creating healthy meals. But it seems like as soon as the weekend hits it all goes out the window. I have no motivation to work out and I seem to not care what I eat. If my friends eat 3 cookies well I am too. Its soooooo frustrating because by the time Monday comes around, the pound or two I lost during the week is all gained back


  • AnneH1977
    AnneH1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Are you planning your food for the weekend? I find that if I plan out my whole weekend it goes a lot smoother. Then I know what I'm eating, how many calories I will consume and I can make room to sneak in a treat or two. Hope this helps!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Deeeeep breath. I struggle with this at times too, BUT it became easier as time went on. The more I saw how great I felt from eating the right foods during the week, the less I wanted the foods that made me feel crappy on the weekends. Consider keeping a journal of how you feel after you eat. Note the differences between healthful foods and "treats," especially if you've gone overboard in terms of portion size. I noticed my workouts were 10x harder on the weekends when I ate poorly. And during the week, when I was eating healthily, I was on FIRE! So, I used that to motivate me. I would think, "If I eat this pizza on Friday night, how will I be motivated to workout on Saturday?" For me, a lot of my lack of motivation sets in when I've eaten poorly even a day ago.

    Also, if you're like most people, you probably sleep in on the weekends, and that might mean skipping breakfast. You probably know skipping meals is a BIG no-no if you want to lose weight. So if your whole schedule is off, you might feel a little anxious about what to eat and when. Try to make sure that when you do wake up, you still eat breakfast. And if you ate poorly the night before remind yourself TODAY IS A NEW DAY. Do NOT punish yourself with deprivation for yesterdays mistakes--you're setting yourself up for failure, big time.

    Also, remind yourself that "treats" are okay, but "cheats" are not. When you're about to indulge, ask yourself "Am I cheating or am I treating?" Here's the difference: if you're treating yourself, you've calculated this tasty snack or meal into your day. You are prepared to eat it, because you exercised and ate nutritiously and can afford it. You'll feel fine tomorrow knowing that although you may have eaten differently than usual, you prepared for the change. A "cheat" on the other hand, is a spur-of-the-moment, thing that leaves you feeling guilty because it just snuck up on you and you weren't prepared for it (which can often lead to over-eating). You didn't think it through. You'll feel tired and lazy tomorrow--something that you do NOT deserve to feel.

    I hope this helped some. Go easy on yourself. Remember, if you made a poor decision with food, no need to throw the whole day away--if you dropped one egg on the floor, you wouldn't turn around and dump the whole carton, right?