Alcohol... best bang for your buck?

Help! I'm going to a party tonight and would like to have a couple drinks. What's low cal when it comes to alcohol? Not crazy about beer but I do like wine and mixed drinks.


  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    I would drink it's good (if you drink it with moderation) and better than those caloric cocktails :)
  • StatutoryGrape
    A vodka and Diet Coke (single) is 56 calories, according to this site:

    Not sure how accurate that is, but to be honest, I really don't care. I don't drink that often, so I let myself have a little fun (or, okay, a lot of fun) without worrying about calorie counts when I do drink.
  • Sabineslims
    i love vodka & water with 2-3 lemon wedges.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Vodka Cran light if they have it or Rum and diet.
  • crysmcd1
    vodka with soda water, wedge of lime.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    nice topic.
  • rollycollysmama
    vodka on the rocks with lemon wedges (lots) usually a vodka on the rocks is like 3 shots, and I just take a big swig and shove a lemon in my mouth to dull the harshness of the vodka. otherwise vodka and celser is OOkkkkk. not my fav but its lower cal
  • CrazyAdventure
    CrazyAdventure Posts: 113 Member
    my fav is diet coke with vanilla rum; tastes like vanilla diet coke
  • unionironworker
    blue ice vodka suger free red bull small can all ....any vadka is 100 cals per shot
  • todaysanewday
    An entire 12 oz bottle of Miller Genuine Draft 64 has only 64 calories. Ya can't beat that as far as I'm concerned!
    ~I love me some beer!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • medgirl604
    the thing about alochol is it not only has calories (empty), it also impairs your liver's ability to metabolise fats and carbs.

    the result is not just increased cals from the drink , but increased fat storage from the cals you are eating. its a double hit!

    do what I do. grab a beer cup and fill it with diet coke. no one has to know you arent drinking, and I can usually be extroverted and fun without any liquor. as long as you have a glass in your hand no one will know. i also do this at the bar, asking the bartender to put diet coke into a shorter glass (since alcohol usually comes in half glasses and soda in tall glasses) with a straw and lime. anyone asks, its a rum and coke!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    if i go out to have a drink i drink a shot of whiskey -- 69 calories ..and i ask for a big glass of ice water with lemon in it
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    Gin and slim-line tonic. Yummy :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member

    Vodka lime and soda

    Gin and tonic

    Rum and diet coke

    Pick a spirit and add a 0 calorie mixer.. these are typically 60 calories each, and will give you a lot of 'bang for your buck'


    There are low carb beers on the market that are 100 calories approximately each. We have Pure Blonde here which are quite nice.


    A dry red is your best best at about 70-120 calories a glass. However I have noticed there are some low calorie "light" sparkling wines (such as Omni) that are about 79 cals a glass. These won't get you very drunk though, if that's your goal.

    Also, regarding the fat loss issue, here is an interesting article that explores the idea that alcohol impacts on your fat loss ...

    Basically I believe alcohol is fine with moderation and within your calorie goals. I found that giving up 'everything' only makes it harder to stick to a plan.
  • Sharon91606
    I make my own "flavored" vodka - blackberries or raspberries or concord grapes or lemon. I buy the berries when they are on sale - just wash up the berries - toss them in the vodak and let it set in a cool dark place - I leave mine sometimes for 3 - 4 months - but I month should do :) - strain the berires out with some cheese cloth and toss them out - they have done their job, make a little simple sugar and water mixture (for a 1.75 liter of vodka - I use 3 cups water 1 cup sugar) and if the berries are really sweet - I omit the sugar mixture all together - add to the vodka berrie mix - and you have flavored vodka - great over zero calorie tonic water and one shoot of the vodka mixture only 90 calories. The flavored vodka will freeze well too.
  • littletiger97
    littletiger97 Posts: 49 Member
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I ended up having 2 mojitoes... vodka, club soda, crushed mint leaves, a tiny bit of sugar, lemon juice... YUM! The party wasn't that great so after 2 drinks, switched to club soda and didn't get heckled for not having a drink in my hand ;)
  • Sabineslims
    Not a big deal but mojito's are usually always made with rum! Unless you specifically asked for vodka.
  • tyra47
    tyra47 Posts: 97
  • ruggedBear
    Whipped Cream Vodka and Diet Ginger Ale. Tastes like a cream soda with about 100 calories. 2-3 of those and it's a really fun way to eat back your exercise calories!