Vegetarian Friends Wanted!



  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I've been vegetarian since my teens, and eat mostly vegan now.

    I do a combination of whole foods, with a few veg*n convenience foods thrown in.

    I'd love a new vegetarian friend! Add me, if you like.
  • meowmily
    meowmily Posts: 85
    I've been vegetarian for about 5 years. I'm always happy to share tips and recipes and I love learning from other veg's as well! Feel free to add me! Always looking for supportive people to help motivate each other!
  • cheekycherries
    cheekycherries Posts: 20 Member
    I'm also a veggie. Tried being a vegan and found it very challenging. Always looking for new friends and veggie friends would be fantastic.

    Please feel free to add me xx
  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    < Vegetarian 6 years, 80% vegan. 22 year old M trying to lose 40 lbs. Feel free to friend request me, anyone.. I already sent requests to several people in this topic :)
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    I am new on here and also a vegetarian. I am experiencing the same thing. Anyone have good ideas on where to get simple and quick recipes? Thanks.
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    I am 22 years old and have been a vegetarian since I was 5. I have hated the taste of seafood and meat since I was a child. PLEASE feel free to add me. I have an addiction to pinterest, so I am ALWAYS trying out new vegetarian recipes... and the ones I love, I post the recipe to for all of my friends.
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to see your recipes. Would you be able to share? Thank you.
  • StephShuttle
    StephShuttle Posts: 39 Member
    Trying to revive the tread.

    I'm approaching my 1 year veg'anniversary and I've just realised, I hardly have any vegetarian friends to share tips with on here or in the physical world.

    So guys so feel free to end this problem for me and add me!
  • writergirljodie
    writergirljodie Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a gluten-free, dairy-free pescatarian...does that count??? Hahahaha!! Seriously, I would love to be your friend!

  • StephShuttle
    StephShuttle Posts: 39 Member
    Not quite a veggie but I need other friends as well.
    Variety is the spice of life and all that.
    Adding you now!
    I'm a gluten-free, dairy-free pescatarian...does that count??? Hahahaha!! Seriously, I would love to be your friend!
