Need advice on adding weight training

I have lost 40 pounds mostly doing just cardio. I have gone to weight training classes at my gym in the past but I mostly go before work now and classes only in the evening. I would like to do my own weight training as I do love my early morning workouts! I do have a couple of tapes at home but never get around to better for me to do while I am at the gym. I know like bicep curls and some squats but need more exercises to do to help with all over strength. If you could give me some ideas/along with how many I should be doing-I would really appreciate it!!


  • NotParis
    NotParis Posts: 26 Member
    I bought this book once called Weight Training for Dummies, now I am not calling you a dummie but it really helped a lot. Does your gym have a person trainer, how much is one session, to at least show you the ropes. You want to make sure you are using good form so you don't hurt yourself. I use the charts at our gym to make sure that I am using all of my upper body muscle groups during my workout to give me the best overall workout! Good luck with your weights, you will love it!
  • Brooks088
    I will look for that book (avid reader that I am). My gym offers an initial training when you start...just the basics-and then personal training is just out of reach for me at the gym. I have been searching for a personal training "coupon" that I have heard people get in a "mailer" that comes around at home but of course haven't seen one since I started looking. I do enjoy weight training but just class times don't coincide when I am at the gym! I have no problem getting up early and getting to the gym before work but going after work like I did in the past gives me too much time to "cancel" for the day. Thanks!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I used an excellent book called The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. It gives you tons of different ways to work each muscle group and helps you mix and match them to get good, full body workouts.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Just look up weight training on youtube... there are many videos that have short weight sessions with descriptions and everything. Almost like tutorials :)
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    A great book I just read on lifting is " The New Rules of Lifting for Women". It has a lot of weight exercises and demonstrates form.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    There's a book called "the new rules of weight lifting for women " or for men. Also, if you check ebay you can find womens health big book of exercises and muscle and fitness workouts. I don't remember the exact titles but search that and you'll find them. All 3I are good in my opinion. There's also apps for your phone if you have a smartphone. I like ifitness.
  • desertcubster
    hi there! if doing "any" weight bearing exercise...remember that form is THE most important thing! you must also breath while exercising. now when doing any exercise, do a 2count when going up, then pause, then a 4count back down. for example: bicep curl: start with hand at hip (palm towards hip), raise hand to shoulder in 1000-1 1002...while going up your hand will curl so that your hand is now facing your shoulder...pause...then back down to original position 1000-1 1000-2 1000-3 1000-4....pause...repeat. do every weight bearing exercise the exact same way. a trainer at the club told me to do that and he used to be a trainer for the NFL. been teaching for 40 years. also, from what i have learned is do things the harder way so that you then use your core muscles and stabilizer muscles as well.
  • Brooks088
    I want to thank all of you for your responses! Who needs a personal trainer when I have all of you on here? lol...all great advice and will be used! Thank you all again!!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I used an excellent book called The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. It gives you tons of different ways to work each muscle group and helps you mix and match them to get good, full body workouts.

    This is an EXCELLENT book. I'm an avid weightlifter (I've done it for years, generally try to go 3 times a week) and I've found this to be one of the best books I've seen. There are variations for all the moves, so you can start very basic and work your way up to harder ones. The illustrations are easy to follow and it's just a very good book. Definitely recommend!

    Oh and BTW, most gyms will offer you a free training session with a trainer. You could use this to learn some basic weight training moves/equipment :) It definitely helps and you might as well, it's free!