Stress eating

I have been doing good until this week. Sunday a tornado came through and a tree fell on my house. We are unable to live there right now and we have been eating out all week. We live in a town where we have no family and it is extra hard. We are living in a motel. I know I can't blame anyone but myself for slacking. I had a goal to lose 20 by April and I sure don't want this week to mess me up. So I am going to do better!!!


  • dolphin917
    I'm so sorry!!!! I could not imagine having the loss without running for something sweet! Keep up the good work. Salad instead of fries is at least a way to stay on track. It's hard eating out and avoiding large salt intake so increase your water intake. I'm glad that you and yours have been able to stay together.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    It's SO hard to eat well when you are forced to eat out. Just try your best and remember this is temporary. SO sorry about your house. I cannot imagine.
  • TeenyBallerinee
    I'm SO incredibly sorry about your house. That is certainly hard to work through and I can see where you're coming from with the stress eating. Just try to stay strong and know that everyone here at Myfitnesspal is here for you!