Could someone please look at my food diary?

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything


  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I just took a look at the last couple days and I'm not seeing anything off from what you should be doing, how long has it been?
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    How long have you been logging your food? Your diary looks healthy to me! What do your sodium levels look like? Are you zig zagging your calories? I noticed they are different almost everyday. Are you exercising? If so do you eat those calories? Don't give up. I started back logging a few weeks ago and I just now started losing like yesterday. Stick with it, if you don't notice a change next week try to eat less calories a couple days or exercise a few days. You may just need to try different things to tweak what works for you!
  • iwannarun1095
    It's been 3 weeks, I've gained a pound. Not disappointed, just a little confused.
    I've been running 3-4 miles 5 days a week (getting ready for a race in the spring)
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert, I've only been logging for a few weeks myself, but it looks like you're over your calories more days than not. I'd definitely start there. And from the looks of it, you're only getting your calories from a few items a day. In comparison, my diary has tons of different ingredients every day from the variety of fruits and veggies and whatnot. It seems like you're eating a lot of fruit (which MFP seems to hate... I go over my sugar every day because I love oranges but whatev) but not as many vegetables.

    My suggestion would be to eat more vegetables, more variety, and try eating wholesome meals rather than yogurt, berries, and nuts all day. These are healthy foods and give you lots of fuel, but variety is always good. Most likely you'll be more satisfied this way, and your body may respond better. Hope this helps!
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    it seems really good for me

    it could be just water watch your sodium intake
    n also take measurement n you will see the different
    just keep going
    n remember to take one day off or a free day so your body doesnt get used to what u r doing
    good luck :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything

    It's a bigger equation than just WHAT you are eating.

    HOW much is also in play.

    And the fact you are exercising, and correctly feeding that exercise. So your muscles are getting stronger, and while you may be losing fat weight, you are gaining some muscle weight, and for this short period of time, remaining equal.

    As you get more aerobically fit, your muscles are trained to store more glycogen. Each gram of glycogen also means 2.7 grams of water. So it's probably water weight, required water weight for the energy stores you'll need for a long run.

    Once that is done, you may start losing.

    Then again, running 3-4 miles 5 days a week isn't being done by someone 50 lbs overweight most likely.

    You have no stats on yourself. Your goal calories of 1290 look low for 21 yr old, unless you are 5 ft and 100 lbs already.
    Where is your weight at and where are you trying to get to? And if you know your bodyfat %, or height if not, that would help in knowing if potentially over or under feeding yourself.

    And exercise calories you are correctly eating back is estimated by what? HRM, treadmill, MFP, some other site?
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Looking at your tracker, I think you have the intention to eat well. I like you food choices! What I do notice is that you are using your earned calories each day and at times exceeding them. Perhaps try to eat your required calories each day excluding calories earned from running. Are you drinking enough plain water? Most days you don't note your water consumption.

    I think you're on the right track. More water, less snacking and ensuring you don't exceed your daily calories intake, you're on your way. How much weight do you want to lose? You sound pretty fit to me...

    Good luck :happy:
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    You are most likely losing weight. Have you measured yourself? As someone said previously, your muscles store a lot of water. Trained muscles store even more. People who eat a lot of carbs tend to store more water. I had a lot of carbs last week, and I weighed like... 12 lbs more at one point. Course, It was also like... super easy to run :p

    Dropped the carbs and I'm back to seeing my actual weight/progress. I run about 8 miles every day. ( 60 mins )
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything

    You aren't eating enough if you are at a healthy or near healthy weight to begin with. Your diary shows you set to 2lbs per week loss but you only want to lose 15lbs. 1200 calories isn't enough to coax your already healthy body to shed the little bit extra you want off.

    Read this:

    The guy who wrote that is actually a trainer AND lost weight doing this so he actually knows what he is talking about.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Looking at your tracker, I think you have the intention to eat well. I like you food choices! What I do notice is that you are using your earned calories each day and at times exceeding them. Perhaps try to eat your required calories each day excluding calories earned from running. Are you drinking enough plain water? Most days you don't note your water consumption.

    I think you're on the right track. More water, less snacking and ensuring you don't exceed your daily calories intake, you're on your way. How much weight do you want to lose? You sound pretty fit to me...

    Good luck :happy:

    why would she not want to fuel her running?
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    All I can suggest is to try and incorporate more whole grains. You're eating really healthy, but sometimes when you eat more of those, it helps. More vegetables are always good too-raw ones in a salad are best, or make a nice soup.

    But it's not just food. I think it's great you're running, but cardio is only one side of exercise. Strength training might be what you need to push you past that threshold. It is for a lot of people.
  • Alejandro96
    My body is really weird i usually lose some weight then when next week starts i gain a little bit ( half a pound ) then i lose 1 -- 3 Lbs fast at the end of the week ! That could happen to you to!
  • Alejandro96
    Also try maybe going on a lower goal i noticed you have gone above the goal several times maybe you should work out more ? also drink juices like orange juice it contains C-vitamins which boosts your metabolism
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    Sorry you are not losing the weight as you are obviously putting in a lot of effort.

    A couple of questions - are you being 100% accurate with your food tracking? Are you weighing and measuring everything? When I started doing this I was amazed at how far out I was guessing say 100g of chicken. I was eating a LOT more than I believed I was. Very easy to do, and very easy to solve.

    Second - how are you measuring calories burnt? If you are using MFP I find these are very high compared to when I use a HRM, which would mean that you could be eating too many back. I am a big believer in eating back execise calories when using this site, but you might want to only eat 2/3rds back if using the database.

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything

    You are over your daily calories allowance on many of your days.

    You need to stick to your daily allowance, this will cause a deficit and in turn, a weight loss.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything

    You aren't eating enough if you are at a healthy or near healthy weight to begin with. Your diary shows you set to 2lbs per week loss but you only want to lose 15lbs. 1200 calories isn't enough to coax your already healthy body to shed the little bit extra you want off.

    Read this:

    The guy who wrote that is actually a trainer AND lost weight doing this so he actually knows what he is talking about.

    She is eating over her daily allotted calories. Go back for a few days and you will see.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I looked at a few days .... so take my comments with a grain of salt if what I'm saying is not on target with what you're doing most days.

    I noticed that you're adding quick calories - which to me means you're estimating. Quick calories also doesn't tell you how much sodium/protein/carbs/etc. You may want to consider being more accurate with your logging. Knowing that most people under estimate the number of calories they consume and over estimate the calories they burn - this could be part of your issue.

    Also, some days you have your water. Others you don't. This may very well be that you've forgotten to log the water, but it you're really not having water you may want to consider drinking some each day.

    Are your calories burned accurate? Are you using a HRM or are you going by MFP or what the machine tells you? Everyone is different, but my experience is MFP is Santa Claus when passing out calories burned. My HRM is always less. The longer my workouts the bigger the difference.

    I noticed you switched from white rice to brown ... that's a great change. However, I also noticed one day you had a DD bagel but you didn't list any cream cheese/PB/etc. Is this accurate? If not, it goes back to your logging may not be as accurate as it could be.

    I do know that weight loss is not linear ... so be patient and in time more calories burned than consumed will lead to weight loss. Good luck!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...I'm not losing anything

    You aren't eating enough if you are at a healthy or near healthy weight to begin with. Your diary shows you set to 2lbs per week loss but you only want to lose 15lbs. 1200 calories isn't enough to coax your already healthy body to shed the little bit extra you want off.

    Read this:

    The guy who wrote that is actually a trainer AND lost weight doing this so he actually knows what he is talking about.

    She is eating over her daily allotted calories. Go back for a few days and you will see.

    I looked. Her goals are set to 2 pounds per week loss and she's eating her exercise calories. Even with her exercise calories (and the tiny bit she goes over) she still isn't eating enough because her body simply can't do 2 pounds per week if she is really only 15lbs to a healthy BMI. Hell, she may already be at a high healthy and trying to go to a lower healthy BMI or even be healthy and trying to go to underweight. There is no way of knowing unless she shares height and weight. However, I did share the link she needs to figure out where she is supposed to be calorie wise.

    This is an issue that every heavy person will go through as we get closer and closer to goal. We will have to up our calories gradually to hit maintenance at goal. I know it doesn't always make sense that a fit person needs more calories than a fat person but it's true.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Looking at the few posts she has had, I'm guessing either she doesn't know how to find topics she started, or doesn't really care, or is only reading what she wants to hear and therefore not responding to those truly trying to offer useful help.
  • iwannarun1095
    Hi everyone, thanks for the help
    Yes, sometimes I do forget to log my water, but I drink 8 cups of water a day minimum.
    My height is 5 2 and 125, I'm trying to get down to 110, is that too little? I'm quite short and I just want to fit into my old jeans.
    I do measure ALL of my food and log everything. The reason I didn't add cream cheese on my bagel, for example, is because I didn't eat cream cheese.
    Sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for exactly, so I pick foods that are similar. But I do try to be as accurate as possible.
    I will take the suggestion of eating more vegetables rather than fruits, and try to eat less calories each day to fit my allowance. I'm working on that.