Pro-Form Treadmill with iFit Live. Like it? Hate it? Why?

The iFit seems like such an awesome feature, but I'd hate to spend money on a treadmill just to have that feature if it's not worth it. Any advice from your experience with Pro-Form or iFit would be so helpful! Thanks! ~Elisa~


  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    I Have one of the earlier ones that ran off the connection to a VCR (a what??) it was an earlier iFit model about 8 years old now. I found that I got bored with the videos. Now, something live or with new experiences (or something more than just walking through Hawaii - same route - or Red Rocks would be more interesting. Walking connected to friends or a group would be even better.
  • marlenemb
    marlenemb Posts: 7
    Does your treadmill connect to iFit Live? If so there are hundreds of maps at that you can download or search for a specific location, distance, incline, etc of the map you want to run/walk. Hope this helps add some variety :)