HI I'm Michelle

Hi I'm Michelle:smile: ...nice to meet all of you! I am new to this kind of weight loss tracking...I'm from Illinois in the northwest suburbs work full time and just have lost that extra motivation is these winter months to get active and stay on track
currently i weight 165 and i would like for my weight and for my health and height I should be 135-140 max given the fact that I am only 5"3.
I used to weigh a lot more 2 years ago..hard to believe it now but i topped 220 at my heaviest but i went through a rough breakup and was very busy and dropped over 60lbs! which i was very proud of i started exercising, staying active and eating better but now with the cold months it has become much harder everyday to after work get into work out mode and care about getting active.
My main goal is to eat right as a life style not just for a diet and to work out to be healthy not to bit skinny. I know tons of fads out there will help you lose the weight now and fast but what i want is to make it apart of my life style...healthy eating and healthy active living! Thanks for reading this and if you have word to share with me feel free to I am open to whatever anyone suggests or needs to say and visa versa if anyone needs any advice I am here to help as well...

currently my biggest problems:
to much dairy
to much bread
to much fat
not working out daily


  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    HI and welcome. My advice to you is make gradual changes, like switch types of bread or milk. Don't try to do it all at once because it can be discouraging.As far as exercises, move a little more every day and soon you will see your energy level increase.
  • Hello ... and welcome... happy weight loss.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, I am Kimberlee. I would add more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Switch to Skim milk, whole wheat breat and Smart Balance Spread. That would be a good start. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Hey, welcome to MFP.

    I'm sure you will find all the support you need here.

    Good luck.

  • PinkGoth
    PinkGoth Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Michelle, well done on the weight lost loss far, that is a great acheivement.

    I seem to have the same stats as you i am 5"3 and 164 lbs.

    I joined this site on Thursday, it is a great help so far.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    i am fiona, also work full time, have 2 kids, i am 4ft 10 and currently 169lbs, from somerset England, this site has been excellant for support and help, it makes keeping on the straight path much easier, feel free to add me if you wish.

  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Michelle! Im sort of new here too. I joined MFP a year ago and never did anything with it, I just started again a few days ago and I have logged on here everyday and found that Im almos ocd about checking in lol. I am sure you'll get all the support you need here, these people have been great so far! Good luck!!