
trosenau Posts: 18 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
For the past two weeks now I haven't lost any weight... I've been eating on average 1300 to 1400 calories a day, drinking 8 glasses of water, ridding the stationary bike for an hour and 125 crunches every day. Why is it I haven't lost any weight... ? This doesn't make sence to me. *Sigh* Any advice from anyone would be great!


  • trosenau
    trosenau Posts: 18 Member
    For the past two weeks now I haven't lost any weight... I've been eating on average 1300 to 1400 calories a day, drinking 8 glasses of water, ridding the stationary bike for an hour and 125 crunches every day. Why is it I haven't lost any weight... ? This doesn't make sence to me. *Sigh* Any advice from anyone would be great!
  • It could be that you are gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, and if that's the case try taking your measurements instead of weighing yourself -- you may be suprised!
  • I would guess that you have plateaued. your body is used to your 2 exercises and is no longer responding to them. You need to add more exercises and rotate them. Keep your muscles guessing
  • fayevest
    fayevest Posts: 14 Member
    Try adding in more natural foods and less processed foods (more chicken, veggies, fruit.) Not sure of your diet but it works wonders for me!!
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Our bodies are very efficent machines and they adapt vey well to new conditions we put them to. If you have been eating the same foods because they work for you and been doing the same workout then change it up a bit. It doesn't have to be extreem, for example: Use egg whites instead of whole, cut out as much processed foods as you can, Stop eating out, eat apples instead of bannanas. I have also heard that if you walk or jog, just something as simple as changing your route can make a difference. Or you could throw out your scale and just go on your measurements. Whatever works, just keep up the great work you've already done and don't get discouraged!
  • I believe a wieght lifting program will also help you. The more muscle you have the more efficient your body burns extra calories. I believe to lose weight you need a strict diet, cardio and weight lifting program. Take one away and you slow the process.

    1) Build Muscle
    Increase the amount of muscle in your body. For every extra pound of muscle you put on, your body uses around 50 extra calories a day. In a recent study, researchers found that regular weight training boosts basal metabolic rate by about 15%. This is because muscle is ‘metabolically active’ and burns more calories than other body tissue even when you’re not moving.

    Training with weights just 3 times a week for around 20 minutes is enough to build muscle. Not only will you be burning more calories, you’ll look better – whatever your weight.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000

    Your body is adjusting...did you take measurements? I didn't lose anything mys econd week and was very dissapointed...however, someone suggested taking my measurements again...I did and found out I lost 2 inches...fat to muscle!

    alos here is an article/link for you...:happy:

  • I forgot to ask:

    You mentioned you have been riding the stationary bike everyday which is good:


    Do you get your heartrate up to a minimum 75% of max for at least 20/30 minutes?

    Have you improved your distances/speeds over the two week time frame?

    If you haven't done this then it may be very well your body has adjusted and your only maintaining your current weight.

    You have to keep pushing yourself everyday with diet, cardio and weight training. It's not easy but I promise if you put an effort into this you will lose those lbs.
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