All most a month in and struggling!

I have been following the MFP for almost a month now and have cut down the take away treats to once a week!
In the first few weeks i lost 4lb but now weighin day and i have lost anything the BMI went down but no weigh loss.

I know only a month in i should be feeling good in that i lost 4lb but i finding it tough!! I want my chocolate whenever i want it!

I wont give up and i know i am not the only one who feels like this....

I just needed to share how i was feeling today.......


  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    You are not alone!!! I know exactly how you feel. All I can say is we need to keep pressing on. With minimal discouragement.
  • Gingr1986
    Gingr1986 Posts: 13 Member
    We need to look to the positive it this! Although today i feel discouraged i know that i just need to increase my exercise and check back on my diary and see which food is not helping me...
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    sorry to be boring but are you weighing out your portions? I'd maybe try this for a week to see if it makes any difference, estimating is not a good idea. Also are you eating all the calories from your exercise, I think the site can overestimate certain types of exercise so maybe try to keep 100-150 unused. Hope this helps
  • Gingr1986
    Gingr1986 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi yes i am weighing all that i eat

    I dont use MFP to work out how many calories i have worked off as i think it does over estimate lol I use the wii and other tech to work out my cals :)

    We all keep on going and we will reach our goals :)

    *trying to think positive after my negative set back today!*