I need a challenge!

I need a challenge and some motivated friends to help me stick to my guns. I'm 7 lbs down and truckin' but I'm not finding any challenges I either fit into, aren't on a schedule of when they start and when they stop, or not very active in posting. I'm very chatty and like to be in constant contact with people (more than once a day, but not all day unless someone wanted to lol)

Would anyone else be interested in an open challenge (kind of like The Biggest Loser as far as teams if there are enough people) that will run until the end of the year? We can set up mini challenges in 4 or 6 week increments, but it would be open for anyone to join at any time. Feel free to message me and we'll set up a group and hash out all the details :)


  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    I'm calling it "Mission Possible: Changing for us!"
  • I would love to be part of your challenge if you'll have me!!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Yay! So happy others want to join!
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    I would be interested in joining a group that can hold me accountable for my little challenges I am making throughout the year.

    I decided instead of having a specific New Year Resolution for the year that I would probably end up ditching, instead I would try to do 12 mini goals, 1 per month for the year resulting in a healthier me by the end of the year.

    Jan - log running at least 50 miles, up 44 already!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Ooo I really like that idea!

    And that is exactly what I want to have in this group. Motivating each other to achieve our own goals! Weight Loss and getting in shape is not one size fits all!

    Here's the link for the group for others to join if they'd like. There are a number of topics to post in and I'm just adding things as I think of them. Anyone is welcome to join and post!!
