Body in Constant State of Ache



  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    Hey there First and fore most like everyone else said check with your Dr. and if you are fine. Then do this Drink a protein shake or a Fat Free yogurt before a workout and after the workout, If you have a sauna at the gym sit in it at least 10 minutes after your workouts if not on the drive home turn up the heat in the car the heat relaxes your muscles as they are coming back down to a leisure state. also take your supplements. CLA; Hydraplenish with MSM, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium; Glucogasimine.... some of those might be spelled wrong but what you are expelling with your workouts need to be put back in
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I thought I was doing enough with the stretching I use to do. But now I spend more time on each stretch, do more types for each part of my body that needs it, and it's really paid off and I'm not in constant aching. And just feel so much better before, after and during any of my workouts.

    Thanks! I think i'll also try looking up additional stretches
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    When I started running, I had a lot of aches and pains. As my body adjusted, they got better. I started the Insanity 60 Day Challenge last week, and the aches are back! Here are a few things I am trying:

    -glucosamine- a supplement aimed at helping with joint pain, sometimes used by people with arthritis, but also people doing intense workouts. This is new for me, but I've done some research on it and there are possible side effects so I am taking lower than the recommended dose and just trying it out for a few weeks while I adjust to Insanity. If anyone else uses glucosamine, I'd be interested in feedback.
    -epsom salt baths
    -wheat bags/heating pads to bed with me at night- especially on my legs
    -at least one day of stretch/yoga per week
    -deep cold on my legs

    hmm i never considered some of these. thanks!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Be sure you get at least 2 days of rest a week!

    Better bodies are built in the kitchen and while we sleep!

    Everything else is secondary!

    haha i like that. im definitely not getting enough sleep ii dont think!
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    I am always in a constant state of ache also....but mine is arthritis. Some days its worse than others, but especially when the weather changes....ugh!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    -More than likely your body needs a rest...always listen to your body. Take a few days off & see if the achiness goes away
    -You may be doing the exercises wrong, & injuring yourself.
    -You may not be getting the proper nutrients...How is your iron intake? How is your potassium intake [may get muscle cramps if it's low]
    -Do some stretching, then get in a hot bath & relax. There are also things you can add to the bath to help sooth muscles.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    Go To Your Dr.....Don't play around with your health.....We are not Dr's!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    As others have said, if you have just recently started this, that is in the last month or so, this sort of thing is not that unusual. It is a sign you have used your muscles and they are getting stronger. Having said that, stretching the stiff muscles after a workout can help. The reading I have done does not generally recommend stretching before a workout, but after a good warm-up I personally don't see an issue with doing it.

    I had a look at your food diary, but there is virtually nothing there. The reason I looked is that if you are working out intensely you need a higher amount of protein. If your body does not have it, recovery will be slowed. I had something similar, and a friend here suggested I increase my protein consumption (I shoot for between .7 and 1 gram of protein per pound of weight). When I made that change things improved noticeably.

    i think it may be a mixture of not enough protein and not eating soon enough after working out? I usually cant eat until I get home which is usually an hour and a half after i get done working out. I definitely wasnt having enough protein I know that for sure even without my food diary so I started eating more chicken again. I dont think its enough though. I think basedon this feedback I'm going to try protein shakes
  • LucyVan
    LucyVan Posts: 13 Member
    Don't assume fibromyalgia yet. How long has it been since you worked out this intensely? If it has been a long time then expect aches and pains for quite some time. To be sure that everything is fine and arthritis isn't part of the issue, check with your doctor. Real cases of fibromyalgia certainly do exist but far too many people self diagnose it based on simple day to day pains that come with age or inactivity!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Try giving it a break! Sounds to me like you're overdoing it.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Don't assume fibromyalgia yet. How long has it been since you worked out this intensely? If it has been a long time then expect aches and pains for quite some time. To be sure that everything is fine and arthritis isn't part of the issue, check with your doctor. Real cases of fibromyalgia certainly do exist but far too many people self diagnose it based on simple day to day pains that come with age or inactivity!

    ive had an exercise regimen (3 times a week) since last january but ive bumped up the intensity in the last few months (4-5 days a week, longer and much more difficult)
  • kat1014
    kat1014 Posts: 11 Member
    Have your Vitamin D levels checked. A year ago, I thought something seriously was wrong with me as I could barely move and ached all of the time. D levels were seriously low. Have been on supplements and I now exercise an hour a day.
  • Alice_H
    Alice_H Posts: 58 Member
    I'm all for stretching. I've found that the stretching routine on the Slim in 6 DVD is an excellent all-over stretch. No matter how hard I work out, I can do that stretching routine and it really seems to calm things down.

    Ibruprofen can help too, and eating anti-inflammatory foods (fish oil, berries, and cruciferous vegetables, to name a few) seem to help.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    "Have your Vitamin D levels checked. A year ago, I thought something seriously was wrong with me as I could barely move and ached all of the time. D levels were seriously low. Have been on supplements and I now exercise an hour a day."


    Same thing with me. I couldn't believe how achey I felt. My hips were especially bad. Getting out the car after even a short drive was painful. My neck ached. My knees ached. My elbows ached. EVERYTHING! I thought if I feel this way at 44, what happens if I make it to 80??!! Long story short, my doc checked my vitamin d level. I had to go on prescription d (50,000 IU's once a week for four weeks) to get my level into the normal range. My initial level was 10 or 11 and normal should at least be 30. I can't believe how getting my level back into the normal range has changed my life. Getting your level checked is especially important in winter when we don't see too much sun. I now take 3,000 IU's daily to keep my level in the normal range. Last week I got it tested it again and it was 39. Google Vitamin D deficiency and pain and you will find a ton of information.

    Good luck!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I've been doing 7 days a week for the past 4 weeks and I am in a constant state of ache also. I take aleve and Tylenol to help feel better. I hop in the hot tub a couple times a week to help loosen the muscles. I am losing 4 lbs. a week and don't want to stop losing.
  • lynnee82
    I agree with everything being said. It could be something as simple as not drinking enough water to flush the lactic acid out of your body. I suggest the path of least resistance first. Start with upping your water intake and adding the protein. When the pain is bad the baths will help for sure. I have fibromyalgia and I can't live without my epsom salt baths! If you find nothing is working and do decide to go to your doctor make sure they do a full rheumetology panel. If there are issues they will probably send you to a rheumetologist. Just be prepared at some point to hear that there's nothing wrong with you or it's all in your head. Unfortunately some doctors don't believe that it's real.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I've been doing 7 days a week for the past 4 weeks and I am in a constant state of ache also. I take aleve and Tylenol to help feel better. I hop in the hot tub a couple times a week to help loosen the muscles. I am losing 4 lbs. a week and don't want to stop losing.

    Most of those medicines hinder muscular hypertrophy.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Do you use artificial sweeteners at all?