deceptive marketing? bit of a rant

now that more people are paying attention to eating whole grain foods, I notice a clever marketing trick that some bread makers have resorted to. Any time "enriched wheat flour" is the first ingredient listed, that product is made with white flour, not whole wheat or other whole grain. So now take your regular hamburger bun, give a brown coloring, and slap "WHEAT Hamburger Buns" on the label. Looks like what you would expect to be "whole wheat," but turn it over and the ingredients start guessed it..."enriched wheat flour"! If it does not say "whole wheat flour" it is made with processed white flour. I consider this just a trick to get health-conscious but naive people to buy the products. Is there some big conspiracy somewhere to keep people fat, especially in the USA?

And while I'm at it, a food with "all natural" across the front can still be made with lots of processed sugar. go figure.

Gotta read the labels on every single thing! Anybody else noticed this trend?


  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    Of course they do that, it makes them money. Its no different then Fruit Loops saying they are part of a well balanced breakfast, Doesn't make them healthier, but parents hear that and think they must be good for little Bobby to eat. I really love when kids drinks are made with "real fruit juice" What they don't say us that its only 5% real juice, 95% crap.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am with you! I try to pay close attention to things like that, but I got played on a bag of tostidos, they marketed it "whole grain" and I was not even thinking that corn is a whole grain. So, basically I got a bag of corn chips instead of multigrain chips.

    Another thing is the word NATURAL in big letters and the word "flavors" in very small letters underneath.